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  1. #1
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    Thank you Scott, for the kind words. I often get asked if I am angry because I dont smile much. I tend to have a serious expression on my face as the default position.

    How do you even pick up a 100lb rock
    Treat it like a clean and jerk. Squat down in a good position, get a grip on the rock, then hike it to your chest and start standing. Use your momentum from standing to assist as you jerk it over your head.

    For the throwing, two main styles are used. I prefer the overhead, where the rock is held up over head like an army press. Run forward gathering all the speed you can, then just before the trig (the trig is the board that marks the front line. If you pass it you fault on the throw) jump to a stop and use that 'pop' to help you throw the weight forward.

    The other way it is usually thrown is from the chest, pushed off by the strength of the arms. I dont like this myself, since your arms generally are not strong enough to accelerate the rock very fast, not throw it very high. For a smaller rock this style might be better, but with a rock this big height helps.

    For every foot it has to fall, it can travel another foot and a half futher. If it is over my head the rock starts out at around 7+ feet. If its on my chest it only has 5+ feet before it falls to earth.

    Its a big fricken rock too. I'd say about 18 x 15 x 10 all around, sort of a flattened egg shape, as Scott mentioned.

  2. #2
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    Hope you all had a great time

  3. #3
    Panache's Avatar
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    I've been looking at your instructions for the 100lb. rock throw and trying to visualize the whole thing in my head.

    Quote "Squat down in a good position, get a grip on the rock,"

    With you so far...

    Quote: "then hike it to your chest and start standing. Use your momentum from standing to assist as you jerk it over your head."

    I'm having some trouble with this bit. Instead of mentally getting the rock over my head I keep imagining horrible snapping, crackling, and screaming sounds that are finally drowned out by the arriving ambulance's siren.

    My hat is off to you for the strength and discipline to not only compete, but win as a Highland Games athlete.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  4. #4
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    Congrats Josh, it was good to see you at the games. You are definitely right about the location of the competition. It makes it much easier to watch the games.

  5. #5
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    Picking up a 100 lb rock

    Throwing a 100 lb rock (this throw only went 10 feet. My next throw was better, and won me the competition)

    This throw was good for 4th place

    On the way to a perfect 12:00 (and 2nd place)

    Me and my buds.

  6. #6
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    Congrats on your scores!! Thanks for posting the pics.

    I'm with Panache . . . I think I can handle the "squat down and grip the rock" part . . .


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