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  1. #31
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    Power interruptions around here are most often caused by suicidal squirrels. Weather caused interruptions are pretty rare.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caradoc

    One summer, I was working door-to-door in a three-piece wool suit when it hit 122 degrees F on the official thermometers.

    That's 50 degrees C for you metric folks, but in metric or Fahrenheit, it's too bloody hot to be out walking the streets in a three-piece wool suit.
    !22 degrees is too hot to be outside....period. How could you stand it in a three-piece wool suit? I would have fainted!

    I wasn't living here then, moved to the desert in 2001. I love all the sunshine!!

  3. #33
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbpersson
    !22 degrees is too hot to be outside....period. How could you stand it in a three-piece wool suit? I would have fainted!

    I wasn't living here then, moved to the desert in 2001. I love all the sunshine!!
    June 22, 1989 -- 122 degrees (3% humidity) in PHX. I was there...and to tell the truth, it really didn't feel that much hotter than any other normal day in PHX in the Summer. Granted, we didn't venture out much in the hottest part of the day, but I do remember going to Metrocenter in the afternoon and not really thinking anything about it.

    But, it is a dry heat!


  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    June 22, 1989 -- 122 degrees (3% humidity) in PHX. I was there...and to tell the truth, it really didn't feel that much hotter than any other normal day in PHX in the Summer. Granted, we didn't venture out much in the hottest part of the day, but I do remember going to Metrocenter in the afternoon and not really thinking anything about it.

    But, it is a dry heat!

    That's the day I've been talking about.

    122 degrees. It didn't feel any different from the day before or the day after.

    I did leave some skidmarks on a couple of curbs that summer. My shoes had rubber soles, and they'd leave black streaks on the hot concrete if I slipped a bit.

    My oven's a dry heat, too. I don't stick my head in it.

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