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  1. #1
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    Scotts offended by non-Scottish kilts

    Lets say that some of us want kilts to be an everyday clothiing item for casual wear......

    Are some Scottish people greatly offended by this new trend?

    Do any of them feel that this use of the kilt somehow insults their heritage?

    I am not Scottish, would love to be comfortable, and would like all men to have this freedom.

    I don't think the kilt should be Scottish only but I feel great gratitude towards the Scottish because they have made it so popular.

    Anyway, this is something I have always wondered.

  2. #2
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    I'm sure most would be fine with it. There are always a few who won't budge from the old ways, but it's best to ignore them. That said, I will admit that I don't personally like non-traditional kilts. But that's just it: it's a matter of personal taste. Wear what you'd like to wear. It's your wardrobe, and your choice. I'd love to see more men wearing non-trad kilts, but you'd never catch me in one.

  3. #3
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    In the 3 years I've been wearing kilts pretty much full time, I haven't run into 1 person who was offended that I was wearing a kilt and am not Scottish. I am mostly German and that confuses some people (why would someone who ISN'T Scottish WANT to wear a kilt?!?), but nary a negative comment have I heard.

  4. #4
    Chris Webb is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I've encountered many people from Scotland while kilted and have never had anything but a good experience from it. They've all been delighted to see someone in a kilt, even though I wear mine American Style, so to speak.

    Seems to me a 'real Scot' having trouble with anyone wearing a kilt would be like a 'real Texan', which I happen to be, taking issue with someone wearing a Cowboy (Western) hat ... I'm always tickled to see it, whether they've got the whole cowboy outfit or just the hat with Bermuda shorts.

    I can't speak for the Scots, but I'd consider any Texan who had problems with non-Texans and cowboy hats to be ignorant rednecks. Here in Texas there is nothing wrong with being redneck, I'm redneck. But ignorant, well lets just say one ingnorant redneck puts us all in the news.

    Given that rednecks largely trace their heritage back to Scotland and Ireland I'm guessing Scots are about the same.

    Like you, I'd love to read a post or two from a 'real Scot', though.

    Kilt On.

    Chris Webb

  5. #5
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    I'm Scottish and own 4 traditional wool kilts. But I also own an acryllic kilt which looks traditional and 2 lightweight polycotton kilts which definitely couldn't be called traditional - non-wool; fewer pleats; longer length; non-tartan self colour; made in Pakistan - which I wear for comfort. I've never heard of anyone being offended by these non-trad kilts. I've once had the comment made to me "You're not entitled to wear a black kilt because your surname isn't Black" but it was said in jest.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  6. #6
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    I was wearing my uk a few years ago and an Elderly Scottish Gentleman walked up to me and said,'I don't know what you are wearing, but I like it. Where can I get one?'

  7. #7
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    A long time ago in a kilt far, far away
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    I've yet to run into anyone who was offended by my kiltwearing. I spoke at length with one scottish woman who wanted me to justify my wearing the Blackwatch tartan since I'm not scottish military. Once I explained I wore the tartan to honor my family and ancestors who fought for Scotland over the last 1600 years, she had no problem with me wearing pretty much any tartan I like.

  8. #8
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    We have few scots around here it turns oot, one works for thr car dealership I bought my car from ,he had no problems with my Pittsburgh Kilts,and yesterday I was on my way to the movie theatre when a gent with a very strong scottish accent saw me smiled and said "Hello Jock!" made my day it did.


  9. #9
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    This is purely an opinion, but I don't think the majority of Scots would be offended by non - Scottish kilts. I think you will find that there are some Scots who own and wear Utilikilts, USA kilts, etc.

    As Hamish would say to anyone that puts off wearing a kilt because they are not Scottish, "Nonsense! Anyone can wear a kilt." I view the non-traditionals as a natural evolution - relatively inexpensive, washable, practical, and so forth.


  10. #10
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    Some diehard Lowland Scots will never wear the kilt.

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