30th June 06, 06:31 PM
You might be an XMarker if your dreams include you or someone else in a kilt.
You might be an XMarker if you are a registered user to more than 1 kilted forum.
You might be an XMarker if you watched braveheart more then 5 times.
30th June 06, 06:37 PM
-If your S.O. says "hey babe, what tartan is that skirt/tie/sweater (etc.) made from???"
-If your friends, coworkers ask "hey, does MY family name have it's own tartan?" (well they probably say "plaid" but we won't go into that)
-if you're a man and "Tassles, fringe, selvege, pearl fringe, fray, fabric" are all part of your macho garments.
-if you know what a sgain dubh and a dirk are, AND the difference!
30th June 06, 06:56 PM
If you have used P1M's pics from his castle excursions for your screensaver...
30th June 06, 07:07 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
-If your S.O. says "hey babe, what tartan is that skirt/tie/sweater (etc.) made from???"
-If your friends, coworkers ask "hey, does MY family name have it's own tartan?" (well they probably say "plaid" but we won't go into that)
-if you're a man and "Tassles, fringe, selvege, pearl fringe, fray, fabric" are all part of your macho garments.
-if you know what a sgain dubh and a dirk are, AND the difference!
And you don't think that a targe is a misspelling of a major department store (Target for the non-North American participants!)
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
30th June 06, 07:21 PM
You might be an XMarker if women come to you for advice on the best method of sweeping pleats before sitting.
30th June 06, 09:44 PM
 Originally Posted by Kilted KT
...you have a life-size cardboard stand-up of Derek in your house
The wife made me take it down. She said the stare was distracting. lol
 Originally Posted by Kilted KT
...Hamish is not a reference to a pork product.
And speaking of the wife... even SHE knows who Hamish is!
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
You might be an XMarker if always use the urinal in the rest room and don't care who sees you use it kilted.
It's so much easier!
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
You might be an XMarker if you own more sporrans than your lady owns purses.
Impossible. I'd have to get a new one twice a month! Plus, she's got a few years head start on me. She collects purses, it seems.
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
You might be an XMarker if you own a variety of kilts for different seasons and different activities.
Working on it.
And now my addition...
You might be an XMarker if your S.O. falls asleep while you get ready for a night out!
You might be an XMarker if you look for kilt accessories in the oddest place... like Home Depot (that would be a HUGE hardware store for those of you not in North America)!
You might be an XMarker if you see a garment and think the material used to make said garment would be better used as a kilt!
1st July 06, 12:40 AM
You might be an XMarker if you discover hidden talents like sporran making
BLAZN start making your own
1st July 06, 12:44 AM
 Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
You might be an XMarker if you discover hidden talents like sporran making
That reminds me...
 Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
BLAZN start making your own 
I have one in progrees now. I started it back in April... but it got shipped to Maine. Now, it's there, and I'm still in Hawaii. I'll get back to it when I get to Maine in August!
I need to figure out someplace to buy leather for sporran making. I also need some for making kilt straps. Anyplace online I should look?
1st July 06, 01:36 AM
I order my leather from either Tandy Leather or Moscow Hide and Fur. I get leather for making shooting pouches and moccasins for 18th Century stuff. The leather that works for a shot pouch should work fine for a sporran. Both can be Googled for the address. I have some buffalo leather from MH&F for winter shoe pacs that would be great for a sporran if I had bought a better quality cosmetic wise. I don't care about scars and such on mocs so for a sporran I'd get the better grade. You can get just about any color leather you want also.
1st July 06, 01:52 AM
... if ya ken when the Proscription Act wuz replealed...
an ya wear yur tartan tae celebrate!!!
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