17th July 06, 05:46 PM
Hose with "modern gillies"?
So as to not hijack another thread:
"modern gillies:"
With the "modern gillie" type sandals, what would ya'll think about hose.
Historically, it is visually VERY similar to the original gillies. To answer the earlier question, gillies (leather shoes cut and overlapped in a pattern that is the basis for gillie brogues) were worn by common folk. Matt or some other experts (who have researched 17th C. and 18th C. footwear more than myself) may correct me on the dating of the original style gillies.
Gillies were worn with hose (to keep the legs warm). Gillies were worn when it was cold, otherwise they went barefoot.
Would hose (thinner cotton ones) be appropiate with these modern gillie sandels?
By the way, I just bought some on clearance at Target on the way home from work. Normally, I do not wear socks with ANY sandals. Yet,in this PARTICULAR case, I think they MIGHT look OK.
It would be an alternative for heavy boots or shoes in this heat. I just feel odd "barelegged" in a kilt.
It is easily historically justifiable. What ya'll think?
17th July 06, 07:45 PM
Just thought I would mention, I bought a pair of those "modern gillies" sandals from Target a few months ago and have been wearing them constantly. For cheap shoes, they have been holding up very well. They must be discontinued everywhere because they are 75% off (originally $25, I think) here in PA also. Thought I would get another pair, but they are already pretty much cleared out.
Sorry, I just can't bring myself to wear socks with sandals.
18th July 06, 06:35 AM
I would say no to the hose with the Modern Ghillies/Sandels.. I think the Modern Ghillies/Sandels look far to casual for hose...
I'm also not a fan of socks and sandles... If your going to wear socks, wear shoes too..
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
18th July 06, 06:52 AM
I wear hose scrunched down with my crocs...looks rather funky...I've had good comments....and they are comfortable.
The leather and hemp Kilt Guy in Stratford, Ontario
18th July 06, 01:27 PM
Normally I would not wear socks with sandals. I never wear socks with Birkenstocks, can't imagine wearing even aqua-socks or divers booties with my all-terrain sandals even when I'm rafting, but I do sometimes wear hose and flashes with these "modern gillies". The Portland Highland Games were last weekend and I did, once again, wear my Keens with hose and flashes. Some people at the games can be very opinionated about other people's wardrobe. I was sitting near such a "Lady". She was critiquing everyone in sight and explanning their failure to her friend. I don't think she realized that I could hear her because she found several aspects of my apparel to be substandard but her only complaint about the Keens was that the "laces" were supposed to wrap around my ankles. Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but it makes me think that many people won't know that I'm not wearing "traditional" footwear. I guess we already knew that though, didn't we?
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
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