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  1. #1
    Join Date
    8th November 05
    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    Geoffrey (Tailor) - Kiltmakers and Weavers - Home had it when I checked.

    I am guess you had the top spot for a bit there Rocky Oh, the ever revolving world of kilts.
    I'd have to agree

    well, the top in the sponsered section

  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st May 06
    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    I looked at both in my "lurker" days. I settled here b/c:

    -Not interested in Men in skirts

    -found this one helpful, the other-> confusing to look at

    -People "in the know" seemed to be here

    -I like the more "family" atmosphere (especially no cussing-> tired of F word for no purpose in so many forums)

    -more informative here in "how to" stuff

    In the end, its the members/posters and the moderators that make the difference. Here -> on good behavior

    One reason I am no longer on a car related forum is that I posted a review of a product. I typed in word, then "cut and pasted" it to forum. One phrase in 3 page post-> "production piece number 1" which the manufacturer was very proud of, so I mentioned it. One poster sent me hate mail for 3 MONTHS -> 2 after I left the site. She was just insane. I do not expect a repeat here. In fact, that is what kept me from joining for a couple months. I wanted to get a good feeling of tone before I posted ANYTHING.

    I like this forum, the ease of the software, and the "atmosphere." I'm really not interested in looking elsewhere anymore. If I am curious about something or have a question, I start a thread, experts and opinions come soon, and I am satisfied.

    Hightide, I salute you on your efforts here. Also, thanks to the moderators (you all seem like truly decent guys/folks).
    I am one satisfied user.


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