20th July 06, 08:48 PM
A very interesting threat...
There are several new people in our Scottish dance group (which does a lot more than dance, I'm one of the two blacksmiths, and we do other Renaissance Faire type things). We were talking about sporrans, and one of the new members told us a little story from when she was in high school.
She said her father would tell her boyfriends...
"If you hurt my little girl I'll use your scalp as a sporran."
An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
(When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)
Kiltio Ergo Sum.
I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef
20th July 06, 09:13 PM
And the downside of the arguement is...??? :confused: Did he have a shotgun at his side? I would...while I was cleaning and wiping down my dirk! And I'd ask the young lad, "Do you think that a half gallon bottle of single malt will fit in your scrotum?"
20th July 06, 09:33 PM
That would scare me into behaving....almost. 
But seriously, that's a great saying. I'm gonna use that one.
20th July 06, 10:19 PM
What do you do?
 Originally Posted by Nick
There are several new people in our Scottish dance group (which does a lot more than dance, I'm one of the two blacksmiths, and we do other Renaissance Faire type things).
What all does your Scottish dance group do? I take it you are not part of the RSCDA (Royal Scottish Country Dance Association).
Do you do historical dances, etc?
20th July 06, 10:38 PM
 Originally Posted by highlandcelt
And the downside of the arguement is...??? :confused: Did he have a shotgun at his side? I would...while I was cleaning and wiping down my dirk! And I'd ask the young lad, "Do you think that a half gallon bottle of single malt will fit in your scrotum?"
It wasn't unusual for troopers to use a caught bushrangers' scrote to make a pouch for black powder of tobacco.
So a scalp sporran... that's a threat that'd keep MY hands in my pockets.
21st July 06, 12:40 AM
Aye. But which is worse? Hard to say, cuz we haven't been put in that situation, have we? It's just the thought.
My father has a black powder bag for his muzzle loader rifle made of buffalo scrote. I cringe every time he brings it out to load his rifle. Brings to mind my own balzac. I'd like to keep mine, thank you!
21st July 06, 12:14 PM
"If you hurt my little girl I'll use your scalp as a sporran."[/QUOTE]
if i have a daughter, i'll steal that line.
21st July 06, 12:19 PM
 Originally Posted by Nick
"If you hurt my little girl I'll use your scalp as a sporran."
I like that one!! I'll have to remember it!! 
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
21st July 06, 01:06 PM
Great line!
I do have a daughter (Kelli Elizabeth) and I will steal that line!
21st July 06, 01:24 PM
 Originally Posted by Nick
her boyfriends...
"...... scalp as a sporran."
I could think that after a few boyfriends had heard the word, and they put the word out, that there would be in the future, shorter haircut styles on the boys hopin't'b'courtin' the lass!
Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?
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