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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    And btw, I am not posting this advice to be mean towards Alan -- as I have explained before, I have actually help plan and organize games in SW Missouri since the late 1990's. I'm just offering "food for thought" and trying to help Alan so that way the games will not be ruined for anyone. Most spectators at games simply do not realize all of the blood, sweat and tears that go into them. I'm sorry, w2f, if you think otherwise, but that was not my intention.
    Todd, I really, truly do feel you are giving good advice, with no rancor or malice given, or taken. Perhaps our experiences with the sunshades differ because of our differing climates (and California's propensity for outlandish wierdness. )

    It seems Alan and I and you are wrestling with a new idea - that a new "un-clan" is arising. A special interest group (kiltwearing SIG) has grown/is growing in cyberspace, creating a virtual kilted world. Those members who are geographically close together carry this sense of identity with them when organizing kilt nights or meetings at highland games. How is this "un-clan" different from, or similar to, organizations such as a Scottish Military Chapter or the (generic) "South County Chapter of Celtic Descendants" or the Utiliklan? The last is a marketing scheme, the prior by bloodline, the next prior by military service, but XMarks is by voluntary assent to an idea not tied to any vendor. The question is: How should XMarks representation be classified?

    Sorry, I'm all question and no answer.

    Way Too Impetuous
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  2. #22
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    It seems Alan and I and you are wrestling with a new idea - that a new "un-clan" is arising. A special interest group (kiltwearing SIG) has grown/is growing in cyberspace, creating a virtual kilted world. Those members who are geographically close together carry this sense of identity with them when organizing kilt nights or meetings at highland games. How is this "un-clan" different from, or similar to, organizations such as a Scottish Military Chapter or the (generic) "South County Chapter of Celtic Descendants" or the Utiliklan? The last is a marketing scheme, the prior by bloodline, the next prior by military service, but XMarks is by voluntary assent to an idea not tied to any vendor. The question is: How should XMarks representation be classified?
    It's not really a new idea, though...In fact, I would say it's similar to the Clan MacBubba and the Clan McFritz. And there are other groups that set up at games: The Scottish District Families Association, the Scottish American Military Society, the local Scottish society, etc.

    btw, Many clan societies are being limited at present from selling clan items (shirts, caps, etc.) because of the vendors not wanting "competition". So, that is why myself and others have cautioned against selling items or even appearing to sell them.

    But ultimately, the decision rests with the individual highland games. Hence, why I am suggesting contacting them before you do anything. See the disclaimer from the Pleasanton Games I copied earlier; they decide who is a "clan", who is a "vendor", etc. because it is their games.

    As far as the climate goes, have you ever been to SW Missouri in August? Just as hot and sunny as California. But the whole concept of "personal" tents at games is a new one. Wouldn't they block others' view?

    Last edited by macwilkin; 3rd August 06 at 10:21 AM.

  3. #23
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    Well, I think I'll leave this final contact to Alan.

    I'll be at the games one way or the other (one tent or another, XMarks or MacLaren.) As far as the kilted mile, it will be in MacLaren tartan because Elsie talked me out of using the XMarks tartan at kiltmaking camp this next week. (See http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/s...4&postcount=13 )

    The sunshades I've seen have been for the competitors' support staff and cheering section, usually family members. Bleachers, rarely grandstands, are usually provided for the general public on the opposite side of the field.

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    As far as the climate goes, have you ever been to SW Missouri in August? Just as hot and sunny as California.
    Nope, not in August. The closest I've been to your location is the Kansas/Missouri border just east of Pittsburg, on May 27th of last year after crossing Kansas on a bicycle. (And next May or June I will cross SW Missouri, including Springfield, on my way to that same border to finish off my coast to coast riding adventure.) Maybe it's California's water, or politics, that accounts for the difference in sunshades. :rolleyes:

    w2f, about to practice being quiet.
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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  4. #24
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    I've pitched the notion to the Caledonian Club that while X Mafks isn't a clan, we are in fact something much like the South Bay Scottish Society, or the Jacobite Army. These are two local SF Bay Area associations with obviously Scottish connections, but not linked by genetics. They're much like what you suggest, Todd. So it seems to me.....TO ME, not necessarily to the Club of course, that an X Marks presence should be handled much like how they handle one of those associations.

    We'll see if I hear back. I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so I'll be offline for a week, which will give them plenty of chance to respond to yesterdays phone calls and e-mails.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by way2fractious
    Nope, not in August. The closest I've been to your location is the Kansas/Missouri border just east of Pittsburg, on May 27th of last year after crossing Kansas on a bicycle. (And next May or June I will cross SW Missouri, including Springfield, on my way to that same border to finish off my coast to coast riding adventure.) Maybe it's California's water, or politics, that accounts for the difference in sunshades. :rolleyes:
    As the son of a native Arizonan, I'll make no comment on your last comment, w2f!


  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by way2fractious
    XMarks is by voluntary assent to an idea not tied to any vendor. The question is: How should XMarks representation be classified?
    Not to get into the whole booth at a games and contacts (I will leave that for Todd as he knows more than I do on the subject), but in terms of Xmarks representation, I see this as a muddy issue.

    <moderator hat off, and 2 year+ forum member hat on>

    Xmarks is a web forum (free to all the members) and is common ground that we can easily identify, but it is also the webmaster's product and livelyhood. It is Hank's product and he makes money throught the advertisments and such so that the site can keep going.

    Hank also has (had?) Highlandtide which he set up a booth for at highland games, so Xmarks is affiliated (at least partially right now) with an existing vendor. I think that any sales or personal product promotion at a "Xmarks booth" set up by forum members is not right or fair to Hank or the hard work he has put into this site for us. Unless of course Hank has given his blessing for any sales or promotions.

    I think it's great you guys are trying to get the message out and get more people into kilt wearing and maybe onto the forum. Let's just make sure we don't bite the hand that feeds us. Despite all the hoopla that seems to have gone into getting a booth at the games, I hope you guys have a great time and remember the games are for fun so chill out, have a pint of Bass (Mmmmm), and have a good time.

    <moderator hat back on>

  7. #27
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    You have a very good point! If Hank is reading this thread it would be nice if he could chime in on his feelings about members representing X Marks the Scot? Maybe he could draft few guidlines.

    Last edited by Panache; 3rd August 06 at 04:42 PM.
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache

    You have a very good point! If Hank is reading this thread it would be nice if he could chime in on his feelings about members representing X Marks the Scot? Maybe he could draft few guidlines.

    I agree...great idea, Colin!

    Hank, if you're watching, want to give your two cents about the issue of representing X Marks, with X Marks logos etc. at "Real Time" events?

  9. #29
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    I think that if some X-Mark guys want to meet up at the games that is great. I dont however think that an official "X-Marks" tent is a good idea. Especially if there is something being sold for any reason. If some guys want to meet up at a clan tent or take a sunshade and put it over near the pipers, more power to them.

    What I dont want happening is the unintended representation that will occur by trying to make some official presence.

    If I could be there then it would be one thing b/c I could make sure that the site is being represented well. Not saying that Alan would misrepresent us but this is not only a community but an enterprise for me.
    Beannacht Dé,
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  10. #30
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    Between Hanks reluctance to have an official-looking presence and the fact that all of my messages from last week, both the th eClan chairman and the Chief have gone unanswered....that's two phone calls and two e-mails, each to two separate people unanswered....

    .....forget it.

    Next up: Clan MacNaughton hosts X Marks the Scot at the Ben Lomond Games in October.

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