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  1. #11
    Join Date
    10th August 06
    Fairbanks, AK
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    While on leave from Iraq in May I got my first ink done. I had been waiting for years to find an artist I trust and now I won't let anyone else touch me. Its sad but the comfort and trust factor is really important. I am going to go back soon to get more work done but it is a major undertaking seeing as I am living in Faribanks Alaska and my artist is in Petoskey Michigan. You just have to find what feels secure and run with it. I definatly think you made the proper choice though on the Vegas tattoo.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Interesting story Ron. I pretty much suspected that that would be the case with H&H and with the shop from Miami Ink (fun shows to watch though ). I have used 4 different artists, for 10 trips to get inked, and have settled on the guy that did my last one. I have delt with the shop numerous times and have always been satisfied. They run a good, clean, and very professional shop and have earned their reputation in the Lower Mainland of BC (unlike the previous shop I went to).

    I do have to say, I am still a bit suprised that you could just walk in and get work done, and that some shops do creidt. All the shops I have been to have a wait list and are cash only. The only ones that seem to be able to do work on you that same day are usually the one you DON"T want to get work done in

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd October 04
    Page/Lake Powell, Arizona USA
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    That's for sure on the shops available maybe not being good ones to choose.

    Matt Green, the guy who did all my work so far but moved to North Carolina just took credit so it was "the way it was" for me.

    In Las Vegas, a lot of shops advertise taking plastic...including the one who actually didn't...a mild form of bait and switch.

    I just came back from Flagstaff and left a $20 deposit with Patrick at Burley Fish, who Brad liked. His portfolio looks good too. Now, have to find a time sometime in Sept or beyond when I'm in Flagstaff and Patrick has an open appointment.

    Would be two tanks of gas to make a special trip and that's as much as the tat itself....just a little one to start with a new artist.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  4. #14
    Join Date
    9th June 06
    Midland, TX
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt
    That's for sure on the shops available maybe not being good ones to choose.

    Matt Green, the guy who did all my work so far but moved to North Carolina just took credit so it was "the way it was" for me.

    In Las Vegas, a lot of shops advertise taking plastic...including the one who actually didn't...a mild form of bait and switch.

    I just came back from Flagstaff and left a $20 deposit with Patrick at Burley Fish, who Brad liked. His portfolio looks good too. Now, have to find a time sometime in Sept or beyond when I'm in Flagstaff and Patrick has an open appointment.

    Would be two tanks of gas to make a special trip and that's as much as the tat itself....just a little one to start with a new artist.

    You'll like him Ron, I'm sure of it. It took a LOT for me to even consider someone else. I understand the dillema with the gas. I have to drive to Lubbock, TX (100 miles each way) to get work from my usual artist. As much as I like tattoos.,.... that's a LOT of tanks!

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