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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    OK, I'll admit to watching the performance show on Tuesdays & the vote off show on Wednesdays. It's the only "reality" TV show I watch, mostly because this show is fairly legit. I mean, Supernova has 3 legitimate rock stars - Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted & Gilby Clarke - & the contestants perform live backed by a really good band. Nothing like the glorified karaoke contest that is American Idle (sic).

    Sure glad Zayra finally got the boot. Sure, she brought a certain freak factor to the show, but her style so-o-o did not fit in with Supernova. I think Patrice deserves to be the next to get cut.

    Personally, I think there's 3 main contenders - Lukas, Dilana & Magni. Magni is very good in his own right, but I don't think he's a good fit with the musical style or image & attitude of Supernova. I could easily see either Dilana or Lukas fronting Supernova, but I lean towards Lukas. Not to dis Dilana, who is really good, but I just think Lukas' vocal chops, his stage presence, his look & attitude would be a perfect fit for Supernova. If Supernova wants a gal fronting there band, though, Dilana would do a great job.

    What are the chances of them picking back to back winners from Toronto though. The guy that won with INXS last year was also from Toronto.

  2. #12
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    I would like to point out that the show hired Thomas Lockhart to do the tattooing for the contestant.

    Thomas Lockhart is Vancouver based Tattoo artist and he also owns his share of utilikilts.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
    I used to watch NOVA on the Public Broadcasting channels, and occasionally still do. Super Nova? I haven't a clue what that is. A two-hour NOVA show?

    Rex in Cincinnati

    Nova was a good show, aint watched it since I got cable though.
    Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    If people don't like it they can go sit on a thistle.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by neo71665
    Nova was a good show, aint watched it since I got cable though.
    I haven't had cable since I moved to the city almost two years ago. I won't splurge on cable until I sell my country house and settle the dispute with my ex. I've been paying two full mortgages for a year now.

    My television is connected to able - which is to say I watch whatever it is able to receive on the rabbit ears. And since I apparently live in a bunker of some sort - brick walls slathered in stucco and stone, clay tile roof - I'm not able to get much at all in the way of reception.

    Which is just as well, since there's not much worth watching that I can tell - and I haven't missed TV much at all.

    Well - I have missed that cute Anderson Cooper on CNN.

    And I will admit to getting hooked on (I'm ashamed to admit it) American Idol - some decent talent, I thought, this last time around. Oh, and Martha Stewart's version of The Apprentice - there were some great project management lessons in there.

    Rex in Cincinnati
    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  5. #15
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    awwwww....not one of you mentioned my girl Patrice. I know she's not a good fit for SuperNova, but I'm begining to wonder if the band is all on the same page anyway.
    When I think of Tommy Lee.....i just think dirty...dirty good, but dirty.
    Gilby Clark on the other hand makes me think of Aerosmith, or the Black Crowes, good old southern blues based rock and roll.
    Jason, great bass player.....but probably looking to play heavier music than SuperNova will end up playing.

    I've got a couple of old cd's from a group called Sister 7 that Patrice used to front a few years back and they are decent albums.
    The way I figure it....is the best musicians, aren't necessarily the best performers, and vice versa....just because you look all freaky doesn't mean you can write lyrics.

    Not sure who posted it above, but I agree that Dilana, Lukas and Magni will be top 3.

    and yep...I'd love to see some of the rockers in UK's....can you say HOT!!

  6. #16
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    patrice is gone....voted off the show
    If anybody in Texas hears of her playing or touring in their area.....let me know. I got some vacation time to spend.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cloves
    patrice is gone....voted off the show
    If anybody in Texas hears of her playing or touring in their area.....let me know. I got some vacation time to spend.
    Sorry boss, but I couldn't stand her. She had a good voice and was a good performer, but really belongs at Lilith Fair not in front of the guys in Supernova. I am just glad I won't have to listen to another "yeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" few bars in her songs. She just didn't fit with what the band. Having said that, I was convinced Toby would be next to go, but after hearing him sing with the band, he is a great fit and his voice suits the music. Fun show to watch.

    (my money is on Storm or Ryan to be next to go. I would still love to see Storm in a mini-Uk though ).

  8. #18
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    mmmm... Stormie in a mini uk..........If she is the spoke model, I will pledge my support to UK exclusively.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    (my money is on Storm or Ryan to be next to go. I would still love to see Storm in a mini-Uk though ).
    I'd put money on that, too. I'm hoping for another double elimination & lose both of 'em in one swell foop.

    Ryan has always been very consciously the odd man out, now he just needs to be out, period. Storm certainly can sing, but the quality of her performances have been terribly erratic. Even on a good night her performance strikes me more as a very earnest recital; she tends to just sing the song, not inhabit them.

    Toby is a cool lad, but I don't think he's in the same league vocally as Lukas, Dilana & Magni.

    Magni being in the bottom 3 last Wednesday was a bit of a surprise.

    Haven't seen or heard anything to change my vote for Lukas.

    Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    Toby is a cool lad, but I don't think he's in the same league vocally as Lukas, Dilana & Magni.
    I completely agree. However, this is not a talent contest like American Idol, this is to find the best fit for the band. Toby's voice, style of singing, and fun attitude really fit well when he played with Supernova last week (Dilana, and Lukas would not have worked as well on that song). I realize Toby is a long shot, but I haven't ruled him out yet.

    Seriously though, how long do we all think Supernova will last? Tommy Lee has a new band at least once a year, and the other two are big on side projects. This isn't a long term gig.

    At least last year it was an established band that was looking for new life so they could continue doing what they love.

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