X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
26th August 06, 01:52 PM
Hot Toddy mixes?
No, This is not referencing Cajunscot
No, I don't want to post on the Pub
What want:
Last week I was sick and several folks told me to drink some Whisky (no problem here).
Two reminded me of Hot Toddies, which I had heard of, but never tried. So, I got on the web and searched. I say a few mixes, but little on what else.
So, I got my JB (cheapest on hand), molasses (no honey in pantry), tea (sweet tea out of fridge), and OJ (no lemons).
In theory, that is a great combo for a cough and all four are recommended.
Taste-> actually, that combo was pretty good.
AND-> seemed to ease the coughing and sooth the throat better than medicines.
Have ya'll used them before for coughs?
What combos (combinations of ingredients) do ya'll like?
Last edited by MacWage; 26th August 06 at 01:58 PM.
26th August 06, 04:48 PM
Well, Ethol Alcohol is an expectorant. This will help you get the crud to come out while coughing. I have used Jack Daniel's and a little honey. Don't over do it. Too much of the swill will make you dehydrated.
27th August 06, 05:32 AM
I've called the mix I use Dr T's Miracle Elixer. I use the little dose cup from cough syrup or other liquid medicines. Fill it 1/4 full with honey, 1/2 full with Jack Daniels, then add a splash of lemon juice. Stir it up and shoot it. I've used this mix on myself, my wife, and my son with good results. Works for coughs, sore throats, and general head colds.
27th August 06, 05:47 AM
Large measure of whisky
Teaspoon of honey
Splash of Lemon Juice
top up with whisky
quick blast in the microwave
repeat as required
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