X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
View Poll Results: Does your Wife or S.O. approve of your kilt wearing?
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28th August 06, 11:52 AM
Thumbs up...
My wife has no issue with me being kilted and even encourages me to wear it more often. Our church just had photos taken for a new pictorial directory and I appeared kilted and herself sporting a sash in the same tartan.
She's also getting used to me being checked out. I think part of her fun is observing the reactions of others to her kilted man. We had just exited the Piper's Kilt (burgers & brews joint) via the mobbed bar area Friday night and she tells me "You wouldn't believe how many heads were snapping around as you walked through there..." Two seconds later a guy walks by and says "Dude - love the kilt. I'm half Scottish..."
And for anyone who ever wondered: Yes, you can safely navigate through Little Italy in the Bronx while kilted. Did it Saturday since the Long Island Highland Games were canceled -- please see my post in the Games forum and share your answer to my question(s) there.
28th August 06, 04:15 PM
I've been fortunate enough to discover the glories of kilted life while young and single. Anyone I meet from here on out will know in advance that I'm kilted, and can decide for themselves what they think before getting tangled up with me : p
28th August 06, 09:03 PM
That's a yes!
My wife says she loves the access!
Mark Keeney
29th August 06, 08:17 AM
My wife, Peg (Margaret Mary) has more celtic blood in her than I.
She's a Corbett (Irish) and is under the Ross sept (Scottish) We both have German blood as well...which makes me more frugal than the preverbial scot.
I am wear the Ross Weathered Hunting Tartan in honor of my Father-in-law and Mother-in-law. I was very close to them, may God be good to them. I wear the band kilt, Modern Wilson. And as soon as I can afford it, I plan on ordering a occupational kilt...in the Clergy Tartan... the green rather than the blue. Blue looks too much like the uniform skirts my daughters wore in high school.
When I choose to work (being retired) I don't have the freedom to wear a kilt...however, I am sure that at the schools I substitute at, it wouldn't be a problem. However, the kids are enough to handle dressed in trousers etc.
My wife, being a piper's wife, is long suffering and resignedly puts up with the female attraction that seems to be attached to the kilt. As long as they don't get too fresh or too close... then she's ok with it. Even wearing it outside of Highland Games and Band gigs doesn't bother her. However, she does shake her head a lot.
BTW, my 6 year old grandson wants a kilt. He'll get one for Christmas.
Last edited by Gary Krueger; 29th August 06 at 08:20 AM.
Reason: Add a bit more
1st September 06, 06:36 PM
Well, I hope this thread isn't just for the guys because I would like to add in a couple cents from a woman's perspective...
Though we are no longer dating, an old boyfriend of mine was part Scot and after the movie Braveheart came out I convinced him to dress-up for Halloween as a Braveheart-like character! I just got some lightweight wool plaid material that looked fairly similar to his Stewart family tartan and made a very crude version of what they wore in the movie. And trust me, that costume was worn after that... often... :mrgreen:
Bottom line, it takes a real man to wear a kilt!
Jm Lysaght
28th September 06, 08:52 PM
My wife does not aprove, but the odd thing is that it was her that encouraged me to buy my 1st one.
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