that is a great looking kilt. One questions, are the scales very fragile? I've seen a lot of snakeskins where the scales peel off if rubbed up against.
That's cool, I've been poking around the house looking for rattlesnakes ever since I first saw it. I think they're on to me and all moved away. How does it get along w/ a St. Patrick's Tartan. O'Neille
Nice one Ham. Not my cuppa at all but I love it (and you mate!) for being so bold. Any thought on wild accessories for it or is it a case of now playing it down a bit? I'd say this looks like a case of "more is more, less is a bore". I have seen real snake skin belts before. How about a crocodile skin sporran? Plenty of them up north of here to go around, they even farm them.