9th September 06, 02:47 PM
It is Definitely not Definately
Evryone, I luv youse all like brudders `ń́́΄ sistahs, but puh-farkhin-LEEZE note that the word is "definitely", NOT "definately." DefinItely, not def-ee-NAT-ley. Geddit?
OK, thenks fur listenin', I feil mech beter naouw.
Mrs. Gilmore, oh Mrs. Gilmore, I'm ready for my Prozac now!
Scot Gilmer
9th September 06, 03:14 PM
I'll Definately try to spell it correctly from now on.
9th September 06, 03:21 PM
Scott, I definately agree.
Mr. Gilmore--"Class, your homework for the weekend is to proof all of your posts for the last month and edit them for grammar and spelling."
Class---"Yes, Mr. Gilmore"
O'Neille--"All those in favor of electing Mr. Gilmore as editor raise your hands."
I quite often find errors in my own posts and it is easy to edit them after the fact. I suppose, I should be in bed and not be posting in the wee hours of the morning. I would use a smiley for my comments but they annoy me more than spelling and grammatical deviations. It does help to set the tone when others don't know you are just joking. But if you have to use a smiley, should the comment be written at all? Disclaimer: This was all in jest except for Mr. Gilmore being elected editor. Might I suggest, that we all keep a copy of Strunk and White by our computers for reference.
I once had a professor who we called Dr. Spit because if you sat in the front row you would get a shower as he lectured. He was from a continent that has kangaroos and would refer to Strunk and White about ten times a day. One day I took a towel to school and by then everyone had moved back a row. I came late and sat up front. Every time he would walk in front of me I would take my towel and do a quick face wipe. One girl started laughing and the rest of these grad students got into a tremendous uproar. He never got the message either. O'Neille
Last edited by O'Neille; 9th September 06 at 03:23 PM.
Reason: Edited for grammar and spelling
9th September 06, 03:58 PM
 Originally Posted by O'Neille
Scott, I definately agree.
 Originally Posted by O'Neille
Mr. Gilmore--"Class, your homework for the weekend is to proof all of your posts for the last month and edit them for grammar and spelling."
Class---"Yes, Mr. Gilmore"
O'Neille--"All those in favor of electing Mr. Gilmore as editor raise your hands."
Noooooo! What have I wrought?
 Originally Posted by O'Neille
...l keep a copy of Strunk and White by our computers for reference.
For this I have a better solution. How many of you use Microsoft Word as your text editor/word processor of choice? Some of you, certainly, right? For those that do, please follow this link to salvation.
Note: Over the years I've noticed that many savvy computeristi have an unnatural fear of Visual Basic scripts. Don't. The script linked is as safe mother's milk. (Works best with Win2K and Word/Office 2000.)
Scott Gilmore
9th September 06, 04:58 PM
MS Word would definately have problems with Pour1Malts posts.
9th September 06, 05:55 PM
I beter bie a dikshunary coz the spel cheker didint fined enythinge ronge wit 'definately'.
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump
9th September 06, 06:20 PM
Okay, we've had our laugh. I'll keep watch on my spelling from here out, don't look for perfection though. All of us have little things that bother us, thanks for sharing one of your's.
10th September 06, 10:47 AM
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
Okay, we've had our laugh. I'll keep watch on my spelling from here out, don't look for perfection though. All of us have little things that bother us, thanks for sharing one of your's.
Well, thanks, but I wasn't sharing a pet peeve. Just having some fun. I care about what is said, not how it's spelled. The def-ee-NAT-ly thing just kinda stands out, that's all.
Scott Gilmore
10th September 06, 10:56 AM
Your being to picky. They're so many other thing's to worry about.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
10th September 06, 12:04 PM
Ah thought tha cah was pahked ovah by tha lobstah stoa. it definitely was pahked ova theya...
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