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I had actually thought I had taken enough to not be in this situation but the Army is good at making sure you know that no-one is indispensable.
Don't ever let anyone you work for (or even your own mind) make you think you are indispensable; it's simply not true. After all, if something tragic happened to you, they would get by.
If you are truly indispensable, the following is the case:
1) You can never take a vacation because the worksite will fall apart without you.
2) You cannot be promoted, because you are needed in your current position.
3) You cannot retire, because you can't be replaced.
It's also taught in leadership classes, that if you are a supervisor and can't take time off because your employees can't do the job without you, then you are not doing your job as a supervisor.
Take your leave, you've earned it!
And it certainly must be nice to be able to take a few days and hop over to Scotland.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb