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  1. #11
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    The last time some one called me ******, I turned to look the imbecil in the eye, sized him down and up, and said with a sneer of redoubtable superiority, "Uh... That's Mr. ****** to you!" The offender slinked off.

    Your mileage may vary,
    Rex in Cincinnati
    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  2. #12
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    A long time ago in a kilt far, far away
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC

    The best advice anyone here can give you is to forget the comebacks, Forget the witty remarks.


    Shine your shoes. Press your shirt. Look in a mirror before you walk out of the house.

    Then when you walk down the halls, do it with your shoulders back, your head up and a BIG smile on your face.

    Very soon you will find that the girls at your school will start to say hi to you. They will start to say hi back to you when you smile at them.

    Soon after that, the guys who hurled insults will start to ask about where they can get a kilt too.

    The kilt is the best "Babe magnet" ever invented. What better way to get back at those who call you "******" than by having two, three or more girls asking you to the next dance.

    It is quiet confidance that will win over your detractors. Quiet confidance that will win over the ladies.

    If anyone ever says anything else to you in the hall, quietly stop, turn to them and quietly say, "Oh you think it's funny I wear a kilt? Watch this." And then find the greatest Babe you can see. Walk up to her and quietly say, "Excuse me (insert her name here), but can you show me the correct way to sweep my pleats when I sit down? I know you ladies learn that in secret girl school and I was hoping you could show me."

    Soon, very soon, every guy in your school will be asking you for advice on how to approach girls and get them to talk to them like that.

    Walking down the hall and having every girl say "Hi Andrew" is the greatest payback in the world.
    yup...what he said.

  3. #13
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    [QUOTE=Rex_Tremende]The last time some one called me ******, I turned to look the imbecil in the eye, sized him down and up, and said with a sneer of redoubtable superiority, "Uh... That's Mr. ****** to you!" The offender slinked off.


    Great retort; really got a big laugh out of it. Well done.

    In theory there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is.

  4. #14
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    The Wizard is right, Andrew

    Welcome on board!

  5. #15
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    Take Wizard's advice and look forward to college where the crowd is a little more mature. My hat is off to you for taking up kilt wearing in high school. After everyone gets used to your kilt wearing and the girls pay more attention to you, the detractors will shut up.

  6. #16
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    Don't tell me. This was probably some guy with his pants halfway down his butt and he had to keep ahold of them or they would fall off.:rolleyes:

    If that was the case, remember his fashion choice is influenced by prison wear.

    The kilt is worn by members of a proud military tradition, who have served with distinction in combat around the world.

    Guess which one I think is more impressive?
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #17
    Panache's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

    I wish I had been so bold as to have worn a kilt to High School at the age of 16. Good for you.

    High School is full of people desperately trying to fit in and be like everyone else. To wear a kilt is to stand out. In a sense you are challenging your peers by choosing a fashion that is unique. If you choose to wear a kilt you are choosing to invite scorn from the ignorant, the stupid, and the foolish. To respond to a juvenile taunt of "******" lacks poise. To respond with violence brings you to their level and lower. To use "******" as an insult (or to react to it) is to demonstrate ignorance and immaturity. Be better than than.

    I wouldn't bother to respond. But if you want a comeback how about this:

    "I'm Scottish and you aren't worth the effort"

    By the by...

    Quote Originally Posted by andrew mcalpin
    ... my grandfather alexander mcalpin came over from scotland in 1756. he died in Georiga.
    You Mcalpins must be both long lived and robust if you are only 16!


    P.S. Spelling and punctuation count. If you are going to stand out from the crowd in dress. Make your posts equally sharp
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  8. #18
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    Just thought of another retort:

    "There are more faggots in trousers!"

    Here in the UK though faggots are a savoury dish eaten with mashed potato and peas. :rolleyes:

  9. #19
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    Hey Wiz, If I didn't already have a soon to be Wife I would be starting a thread just to hear more of your lines

    Andrew, Listen to the man. On top of that it doesn't matter what you wear. If it's different the a$$holes will come out of the wood work... (I was the only Cowboy in a HS full of Punks and Skids, never liked being the same as everyone). I got ribbed while wearing a Kilt to a function while in Highschool too, but that's besides the fact.

    Good self confidece is much better than flinging fists anyday when dealing with ignorant fools. In the end that will have much more of a punch.

    I do have to admit I LMAO when I read why you were suspended (I'm not condoning it, and it definitely is not the answer) just found it funny because I had a friend do the same when I recieved the 'fagot' comment from some one. I couldn't believe the chears the crowd gave outside the bar (December in Saskatoon BTW).
    Ignorant Fool:"Come on Fagot lets see what's under you skirt" while reaching his buddy's crutch for my kilt
    Me:"Bigger balls that you my friend" Said with a smile. Turn around to flag down cab for the ladies, and what do I hear....
    Big Mic Friend:"you're lucky he's nicer than me" *THUMP* <-- Not the answer bytheway
    Crowds responce to a 250lbs pant wearing mic decking a no neck 280lbs gym monkey for calling a man in a kilt a fag.... PRICELESS!

    But seriously, speaking as the unpopular kid when I was in high school, no clothes I wore would have made a difference. What did make a difference was sticking up for myself by not letting them get the better of me and gaining self confidence through that. Keep wearing the kilt. In the short run their banter may get your goat (no sheep jokes, it goat ), but in the long run it'll be their goat that you get and years down the road thy'll be wishing they had the self confidence to wear kilts back then like the guy who had all the girls at grad.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrew mcalpin
    ... I would be grateful for some advice and comebacks...
    Hello Andrew,

    Welcome to Xmarksthescot.

    As one who also shares some of that McAlpine bloodline, I'd like to make a comment or two.

    Firstly, I remember how tough my teenage years were and how raging hormones can affect young minds as they try to find their identity within a group. You certainly have my respect for stepping away from the rest of the drones and showing pride in your heritage. I know how well how much fortitude it takes to start wearing a kilt in public.

    What you are experiencing is social conditioning at its finest. Conform, fit in, play the game, follow the group, stick with the program, etc. or else face the scorn of society. I would guess that, at some time or other, every member of this forum has faced some form of negativity

    As for the caustic remarks... I've been called a few things over the last few years virtually all of which were not worth getting worked up over. You soon come to realize that the people doing the name calling do so through ignorance, and fear. They think that by puting down someone else, they elevate their own self esteem.

    I have to say that the "bloody nose" incident was unfortunate and I understand how the negative remarks by imature students can be frustrating and discouraging. ButI assure you that your determination and resolve on your part will eventually defeat the ignorant. Don't lose heart... you are a McAlpine

    Cuimnich bas Ailpein


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