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  1. #1
    Join Date
    31st May 06
    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    Balmoral tails-> How wide?

    (So as to not hijack my own thread, I have a couple questions.)

    As mentioned in a few previous posts, I am making my own balmorals. I am messing with how to make the tails look "right."

    Now, I am asking you balmoral owners:

    How wide is the ribbon used on the tails?

    Thus far, I've used 1 and 1.5 grosgrain ribbons. The 1 inch make better ribbons (thus far), while the 1.5 makes nice loose tails. What are on yours and do you wish they were different?

    (Also, what are your tying methods?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th July 06
    Roswell, Georgia USA
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    for the tails i'd say not more than one inch. remember, these are vestiges of a closure system that probably used narrower ribbon, since it had to be threaded through the headband.

    so far for tying I've just tacked them up in a bow, and not tied a knot. i don't know how it looks on, because i don't have eyes in the back of my head, but it's working for me.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

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