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  1. #21
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
    I Think I may go for the 20"(Still a huge screen) with
    2.16 GHz
    2GB RAM
    256 Graphic Card
    500GB HD
    Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

    I think the basic Mac software will surfice for now. I only use Photshop for basics (On my PC)anyway I might spash out on Apeture at a later date.

    I think Openoffice works well with MAC any thoughts on that software ?
    what about iWorks ?

    I only do basic stuff with the software I have now anyway. It's mostlly pictures and Internet not to mention Music

    A wireless keyboard and mouse are handy but make sure you have at least an apple compatible wired keyboard tucked away somewhere. There will come a time when you want to boot your MAC from a CD / DVD. You'll need a wired keyboard to do that. To boot to a disk on a MAC you hold down the "C" key on the keyboard at startup. Wireless keyboard drivers load AFTER initial startup so you would "miss" the disk startup window.

    Don't know much about iWork other than what has been said already. I'm a spreadsheet junky and iWork doesn't have that . I use MS Office for the MAC and Appleworks. Appleworks used to come with every MAC but no more. To me it's worth the $79.00 American to add that to the package. (Oh, and I get Office through my company for $20.00. I would not pay $489.00 for it.)

    Have fun!
    Last edited by starbkjrus; 26th September 06 at 12:06 PM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus


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