I like number 2 better personally, but that's just me. I always figured dress sporrans were always one colour. My seal skin one has a few different shades on it as well.
A 2006 study found that the average Canadian walks about 900 miles a year. The study also found that Canadians drink an average of 22 gallons of beer a year. That means, on average, Canadians get about 41 miles per gallon.
I went with number 2. It just looks more 'natural' to me, like it is really made from a skin....
I went back and forth with these for a couple of hours...
The spotted one, which I like very much, just, well, I can't describe it...
I found a few suppliers of cantles, and I also thought with #2 I could have two different cantles (I have not seen those thistle cantles anywhere else) for a change up when I wanted one....
I appreciate all the opinions, this was a hard one. If I could afford both I would get them both.....
So, for those who are interested, there is a US - friendly fur sporran out there.......