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  1. #1
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    Stillwaters... Why? Why not?

    Okay, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I ran a search and came up with not a whole lot of Stillwater posts, mostly because it's usually abbreviated as SWK and the search function on the forum won't search for anything under four letters apparently...

    Anyway, I'm new to kilting, I've got a UK original and I love it. I'm looking at eventually getting a kilt in the family tartan, but I'll probably save up and do that one right...

    Until then though, I've been bit by the bug and I want some tartan kilts, but the wife (who still doesn't get the kilt 100%) won't hear of it... until I found Stillwater. They're roughly affordable (she still compares everything to what I pay for a pair of jeans, not realizing that I go through a 6-10 pairs of jeans a year...), but I've never seen, held, or worn one.

    So, from those that own them... what are their pros and cons? Why do I want one? What will I be missing from a real wool kilt (besides tartan selection)? What do most of you like about them over a wool kilt (if there are any reasons)? What can you not stand about them?

    Again, I'm sure there's bits and pieces of this every where, but it's kinda hard to track down with the search feature on the forum...

  2. #2
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    I will wear my SWK's for everything except a formal affair with other kilted men in attendance. In that case a side-by-side comparison would be possible, and I'm never one to wish to be underdressed.
    Disregarding those occasions, I've worn my economy SWK hiking, camping, while teaching, at parties, in parades, to church, to the pub, and have never been disappointed or otherwise unhappy. They're tough enough to take most activities (stay away from briars and barbed wire!), light enough to not weigh you down, and look great.
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  3. #3
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    try searching SWK and USA Kilts. there are several threads that compare the two. here's one

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  4. #4
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    First, they are a good price. Second, delivery is wonderful and FAST.

    The average person (not those from this board:rolleyes: ) will not know the difference from a traditional wool kilt. The kilts only come in one standard length (24") so if your build if more than a inch or two from that length, the standard length will not work. If you are shorter, it can be hemmed quite successfully.
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  5. #5
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    I have one wool heavyweight and one acrylic standard SWK. I have not tried their economy model.I feel they hold their own against the traditional 8 yard tank in terms of appearance. I have found both sturdy and well made. The Heavyweight has a beautiful "swish" factor but is a bit too warm in the summer weather (it is about 6 yards of 100% wool). The standard has proven itself very comfortable in both cool and warm weather (for hot weather I break out my Sportkilt or UK). I am very impressed at what Jerry sells. They are an excellent value.

    The only big con I see with Stillwater is that they have a stadard length. If a 24" works for you then I heartily recommend Stillwater Kilts.

    Here are some pictures of me wearing mine


    Here's a thread Scottish Chi started with a request for similar information


    Last edited by Panache; 5th October 06 at 12:02 PM.
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  6. #6
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    I have but one Stillwater heavyweight kilt to compare to a tradional Scottish handmade kilt. But I'll sum up my experience as follows:

    Good features...
    -Very inexpensive
    -Overtly traditional in appearance
    -Three straps and buckles
    -Full width underapron
    -Straight stitching - reasonable quality the money
    -fast delivery - esp. so in the USofA

    Not so good...
    -fabric is very lightweight for a heavyweight kilt
    -selvedge very uneven
    -fabric tends to pill
    -pleats under waistband not removed - bulky feeling
    -no steeking
    -limited choice of tartans

    This is the kilt to get if you want something traditional looking that could be worn in situations where your traditional handmade kilt may be at risk.

    It comes down to a choice. For the price of four heavyweight SWKs you could have a for-real genuine kilt you can be proud to wear anywhere. Which is more important to you.


  7. #7
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    I'm not sure what steeking is... care to fill me in?

    Otherwise, I think that's a pretty good run down... The only thing is I'd have to buy nearly 8 of them to equal the price of a good kilt in the tartan I'm thinking of... So I can buy a couple of SWKs for those times when there's no way in hell I'd wear a $600-$800 kilt (and for variety) and keep saving up for that tank...

    Thanks for the help guys, I think pending measurements (to confirm whether or not the 24" will work) I'll have to pick up a couple standards... maybe a Black Stewart and a Nightstalker or Irish National should do me just fine...

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    If the length works for you I can't recommend a SWK wool heavyweight enough. I've got three heavyweight wools and a standard. The standard got eaten by my truck winch and is relegated to shop duty now. The wools are a great looking kilt that can hold it's own in most company. They are great for everyday wear and I've had no problems. I do have hand stitched 8 yard tanks that I reserve for more formal occsions. I can tell the difference but no one else can. O'Neille

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain
    I'm not sure what steeking is...
    Interior construction stitching above the bottom of the fell hidden under the lining at the waist where the bulk of fabric is cut away.

  10. #10
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    I am a really strict traditionalist when it comes to kilts, and even I love them!!!

    Great construction, phenominal price and delivery, and just a great all around product and business. They're a bit lighter than I'm used to (I wear 13-16oz. wool) but still really amazing kilts.

    Highly recommended.

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