How about climbing into your car and forgetting to sweep the pleats? I have done that a couple times when I was in a hurry, only to have to open the door, and pull my kilt our of the door jamb. At least it wasn't wet when I last closed my kilt in the door, and I would hate to imagine forgetting to rescue it if the weather were bad.
Ron, I would have laughed too! Of course, I would havae done it in good humour, and would have expected no less from anyone that I know should such a thing happen to me.
Just the way my humour works, myfriends and I are constantly giving each other flack.
Hey..Hey.. Hey! Is someone here badmouthing the file cabinet? Not on thsis forum! File cabinets are our friends. Where would you keep the cookies and the doughnuts that you hide from the others in the office?
Oh, you dont keep the good stuff in the cabinet? Only files you say? oh, nevermind.........