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  1. #21
    Join Date
    31st May 06
    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    I don't think anyone asked . . .

    Do you have any clan ties (if so, which ones)?

    Do you want a "universal" tartan (if so, what color pallet)?

    Many tartans have the basic colors of red, blue, and/or green. A few have others. Do you want a common tartan (like black watch or royal stewart-> VERY different pallets) or an uncommon one (like Scotland National) or one that used to be very common, but is now not as much (like Caledonia-> seen on me in the Hartwell pics, a mix of red, blue, green with black, white, and yellow).

    In short, pick one YOU like, but know what it is and what it means.

    I hear many, many good things about USA Kilts, and he is a pleasure to work with. For th buck, I'd go for them.
    Last edited by MacWage; 8th October 06 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Hit "post" before finished typing.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    16th September 06
    Niagara Falls, ON
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    Post Which kilt is recommended?

    I have a traditional ($700Cdn) MacIntosh hunting kilt, along with a tan and a Stewart black SportKilt. I'm looking to buy a couple more kilts for this year and am trying to get feedback from threads/bbs such as this one. SportKilts are fine, but I'm not keen on the elastic back on them. For a traditional fit and feel, what do you "MUGgers" think of USAKilts and NeoKilts? A black kilt could be one of my choices, and since I'm of the MacIntosh clan, I couldn't wear any of the other clan tartans offered (except district tartans, Stewart, Black Watch...)

    I'm looking at the Renegade Kilts, and they look good, too. Anyone have one and wish to comment a comparison?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    11th February 06
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan
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    No, I haven't found any yet, thus my middle paragraph in the origional post of mine for this thread. I have to do more research, but haven't had time.


    You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!

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