9th October 06, 12:01 PM
This sucks. I've saved up enough spare $ to order my first kilt from SWK, but the wife and i have come into unexpected bills (fridge went out last week, i would have posted this sooner but i wasn't at a comp last week). So i have to put it off even further. i can't believe this. this sucks.
9th October 06, 12:07 PM
 Originally Posted by RealJuggalo
This sucks. I've saved up enough spare $ to order my first kilt from SWK, but the wife and i have come into unexpected bills (fridge went out last week, i would have posted this sooner but i wasn't at a comp last week). So i have to put it off even further. i can't believe this. this sucks.
To quote one of my mentors...
"Having nice toys is good, but real life comes first."
There are worse things that could happen - like the fridge going out and not having *any* funds with which to replace it.
So, while it sucks, it could be FAR worse.
9th October 06, 12:08 PM
yeah...I feel your pain.
good thing you were saving up for a kilt, or you wouldn't be able to fix the fridge, and keep fine ales cool!!!
9th October 06, 12:13 PM
i had a "rainy day fund" going for just this sort of thing and a separate Kilt Fund. had to deplete both of them.
9th October 06, 04:15 PM
I guess this is the proce we pay for becoming reliant on technology in our daily lives.... We take these devices for granted until something screws up and
...crisis time.
Major car repairs are as bad or worse.
...but I empathise...
I think most of us have in similar circumstances.
9th October 06, 04:25 PM
Empathy I have, sympathy I am a bit short on.
Daughter #1 backed her grandmothers car over a curb and bent the oil pan. Ace mechanic (you should be able to feel the sarcasim here) says the exhaust system also has to be replaced because HE couldn't free the bolts and it crumbled.
So aforementioned daughter takes her mothers car to work, and backs over her boss' brick mailbox. Now I have a mailbox to build and two cars to repair.
I may never get another likt at this rate. Oh yea, sorry about the fridge.
9th October 06, 05:21 PM
 Originally Posted by David Thornton
Daughter #1 backed her grandmothers car over a curb and bent the oil pan. Ace mechanic (you should be able to feel the sarcasim here) says the exhaust system also has to be replaced because HE couldn't free the bolts and it crumbled.
So aforementioned daughter takes her mothers car to work, and backs over her boss' brick mailbox. Now I have a mailbox to build and two cars to repair.
Now, since the aforementioned daughter is working, you present her with the bills for reimbursement. No better way to learn responsibility than to have to shell out the cash to pay for what you damage.
9th October 06, 05:43 PM
Sorry dude!
Daughter needs:
A. driving lessons.
B. to re-emburse you.
9th October 06, 07:15 PM
Man, that does suck. Kilt-funds tend to take an unfortunate back seat when real life shows up. :S
10th October 06, 04:41 AM
 Originally Posted by David Thornton
Empathy I have, sympathy I am a bit short on.
Daughter #1 backed her grandmothers car over a curb and bent the oil pan. Ace mechanic (you should be able to feel the sarcasim here) says the exhaust system also has to be replaced because HE couldn't free the bolts and it crumbled.
So aforementioned daughter takes her mothers car to work, and backs over her boss' brick mailbox. Now I have a mailbox to build and two cars to repair.
I may never get another likt at this rate. Oh yea, sorry about the fridge.
My mini-crisis doesn't seem so bad right now.
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