21st September 06, 03:07 PM
Ha ha ha...
there's a drooling smiley?
I always thought Gillian Anderson was pretty hot.
23rd September 06, 12:45 PM
And here I got the Lasik surgery . . . . .
23rd September 06, 04:15 PM
Your red hair and my glasses Works for me
24th September 06, 01:01 AM
ai wuz lucky enough tae bae found by this yin...
12th October 06, 01:58 PM
hello.. I am assuming women are allowed to post here?
I was looking through the forums and happened on this thread. I can say at least among my friends(and speaking for myself), we redheads do have an attraction towards men in kilts. A close frind of mine is married to one~_* There is something called Kilt Night that happens the second saturday of every month that she and her husband have been going to. This saturday will be my first time attending. I am looking forward to it. I think men in kilts are very attractive, and I admire their bravery to sport them here in the states; it oozes confidance, not to mention they look good.
I also noticed there are a few redheaded males who posted.. If you are as pale skinned as me.. how do you protect your knees from the sun? I am VERY sensitive. I turn lobster red, no tannning at all. perhaps a stupid question, but I am curious.
*just another 4-eyed redheaded step child* Though the child part is only mental these days
12th October 06, 03:37 PM
12th October 06, 04:14 PM
 Originally Posted by freyamoon
I also noticed there are a few redheaded males who posted.. If you are as pale skinned as me.. how do you protect your knees from the sun? I am VERY sensitive. I turn lobster red, no tannning at all. perhaps a stupid question, but I am curious.
Welcome, Freya!
Same for me for sun sensitivity; never tan, just burn & peel - I'm like this close >< to an albino (all my color went to my hair), which kinda sucks living in the sun cancer capitol of the Northern Hemisphere, Phoenix, Arizona. My preferred protection is to avoid the sun as much as possible (especially since I'll burn in less than 10-minutes midday in the summer). Like most desert dwellers I'm naturally nocturnal, but for those times when prolonged solar radiation can't be avoided (like Celtic Festivals), I slather all exposed flesh (including the back of the knee, which is especially sunburn prone) with sunblock. I've tried many & my current favorite is Neutrogena SPF 45 Sunblock Lotion -
I wore this at the Flagstaff Highland Games this last July - all day in the mid-Summer sun at high altitude (7000-feet) without burning!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not oily, doesn't rub off, sweat off, doesn't stink, doesn't make my skin break out. From one redhead to another, this is absolutely the best stuff I've found!
Redheads - the few, the proud, the 4%!!!
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
12th October 06, 05:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Retro Red
Same for me for sun sensitivity; never tan, just burn & peel -
Not trying to change the subject; but that goes for us blue eyed blonds too. I can tan a little, but I got one of the worst burns on my neck at the Highlands Ranch Games this year, because I didn't put on sun-screen.
12th October 06, 06:11 PM
Summed it up.
yin...ai wuz lucky enough tae bae found by this
You don't find a red head, they find you.

(You just have to make sure they don't get away... :rolleyes: )
Last edited by Panache; 13th October 06 at 06:56 AM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
12th October 06, 07:06 PM
Damnit, I need to find me one
Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad
 Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
If people don't like it they can go sit on a thistle.
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