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  1. #11
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    my fur baby is my cat Hunter. She is called that because before I convinsed her to stay a house cat she used run out the door every morning as I went to work and meet me back there with something she'd killed when I got home. I like the story about Tattoobradley's Winston.

  2. #12
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    I had a dog for about 10, till he passed away almost 2 years back. I don't know it I'll ever get another one.

  3. #13
    TimC's Avatar
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    I'm a dog person...though currently dog-less

    2 parakeets but they haven't caught on to the whole "fetch" thing


  4. #14
    Join Date
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    I'm a dog person who is currently the domestic servant for 2 formerly stray cats - 1 large male (who has never quite forgiven us for neutering him) that is long-haired, pure black w/ charcoal ruff named, appropriately, Blackie, & 1 female tortoise shell princess named, Splat, (not only because she looks like she's been splattered with color, but I originally hoped that name would be prophetic :rolleyes: ) who must think we don't eat right 'cuz she regularly attempts to supplement our diet with cicadas, lizards & geckos (by the end of Summer there's hardly a gecko around our home with a tail).

    The fact that I've tolerated these hirsute interlopers for the last seven years or so, despite being mildly allergic to them, is a testament to my love for my wife.
    Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
    "I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
    Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society

  5. #15
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    Smile cruel

    Quote Originally Posted by setboy
    I have dogs, chickens, ducks a african grey parrot, a golden pheasant, a Ball Python. .........

    I am not a snake person, but having those other critters around that the Python can't "play with" has to put him in mental duress. :rolleyes:

  6. #16
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    Currently, one adult female and two young black bears. Upwards of 10 mule deer of mixed sexes and ages. One or two red foxes. Unknown number of coyotes. About 5 racoons. Loads of various birds including rufous, broadtail and caliopie hummingbirds. The bears, coyotes and 'coons are available to anyone that wants them.

  7. #17
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    I'm a cat person

  8. #18
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    Following AA's example, by seniority:

    Mog (for the Gaelic speakers, Màg or Maaig, for he was a big-pawed, clumsy pup) - German Shepherd/Rottweiler/Pit Bull/Beagle mix, adopted when I worked at the humane society. He's the better looking one in my profile picture.

    York (named by a Scotswoman with a sense of humor) - yellow lab/coonhound mix, smart but not bright, rescued and trained as a USDA detector dog. Waiting for him to be retired so he can enjoy the good life.

    Sue - Siamese/longhair/? mixed-up cat, she was a stray that hung around the Bridge of the Americas in El Paso. She doesn't know what to do with snow, and we're living outside of Buffalo now. :rolleyes: She's pictured in at least one of the cat threads as the "Kilt Snob" (she prefers wool over everything else).

  9. #19
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    We have two cats, one local scorpion (Vaejovis Confusus species), & one South American Tarantula (A. Avicularia "pink toe").

  10. #20
    Panache's Avatar
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    As I am married to a vet we have more than our fair share of pets.

    One Husky/Border Collie named Bella. She used to be my wife's dog. Then about 6 years ago when I went away to the hospital for heart surgery and was gone for two weeks she sat in my favorite chair and stared out the window the entire time. When anyone came to the door she would run over to it and bark. When she determined it wasn't me she return to her vigil. When I came home she bounded about the house barking and leaping high into the air. She followed me around CONSTANTLY for the next three months (I just love stepping out of the bathroom and tripping over my loyal pet). She's a good doggie.

    One tortoise shell cat named Smudge that we raised from a 4 or 5 day old orphan (had to bottle feed her). She's also technically my cat* and has been best described as my "psycho familar" (though doesn't that mean she should do my evil bidding instead or her own evil desires?) Tortise shells, can't live with them, can't turn them into sporrans.

    One Leopard Gecko named "Lasser" (Technically Sinbad's pet)

    One Ball Python named Pandora , Pet O' the Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess

    One Red Tail Boa named Perseus, Ditto

    One Milk Snakename Prometheus, Ditto

    (Long story short: Snakes are more like slow moving sculptures than pets. They look kind of cool, but just try teaching one to fetch)

    Assorted goldfish and minnows in my pond, mine but there are raccoons in the neighborhood that beg to differ.


    * Does any cat really belong to anyone? It seems it goes the other way round
    Last edited by Panache; 17th October 06 at 05:51 PM. Reason: spelling
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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