18th October 06, 09:02 PM
Mystery Sporran - UPDATE
If any of you happen to receive a dress sporran from the kilt store that you didn't order, let me know...
M'kay? Thanks!
Last edited by Streetcar; 22nd October 06 at 08:10 AM.
22nd October 06, 08:09 AM
Okay, a bit of an explaination here. I didn't want to post until I had a resolution.
I recentlly received a sizable order from the Kilt Store (pictures to follow soon...)
Anway, I had received a call from customs, asking me to fill out a form before they would release the shipment. When I got the package, everything was there...except the dress sporran!
The sporran I ordered was the "safe for U.S. shipment" sealskin. In otherwords, cow.
Much like Turpin posted about the TSA and his luggage, I double checked the box, expecting to find some explanitory note, such as "ITEMS CONFISCATED AS CONTRABAND," or other officious clap-trap.
There was nothing on the exterior of the box with any sort of "opened by customs" sticker.
I contacted the KiltStore, inquiring if it had somehow been accidently left out of the package.
Stewart Robertson was quick to get back to me. He said that hey had checked their stock, but it wasn't there. However, he said as they had promised to deliver the sporran, they would ship me a NEW sporran, and take the problem up with FedEx separately.
Sure enough, within two days I had the sporran in hand!
So now I'm curious. Has anyone else had problems with a fur sporran clearing customs? Was it "confiscated?" If so, was any documentation given?
25th October 06, 08:03 AM
Another example of great customer service! If something goes wrong just fix it. A business can afford to take a hit ocasionally, but piss off a customer and one never knows when the reppercussions end.
Did the plane delivering you goods perhaps fly over the Bermuda Triangle? I hear kilt accessories are in great demand there.
25th October 06, 01:12 PM
thats great hopefully whoever gets it knows what it is!
25th October 06, 04:01 PM
I haven't seen or received any mysterious packages. I'll look in my Mockers pockets. My BBQ was in it last summer.
Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?
26th October 06, 11:09 AM
Thank god I live in EU... no custom checks to Kilt Store orders... Free market area
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