2nd November 06, 05:33 AM
RealJuggalo is no more!
changed my XMarks ID yesterday from RealJuggalo to what you see now: GreenDragon. don't be freaked out.
2nd November 06, 07:22 AM
Not freaked out here. I think it was a GREAT swap.
2nd November 06, 07:48 AM
Were you able to do this yourself, or do the mods have to do it? I've been wanting to change mine as well, but don't see where to do that. At the time I joined I was heavy into concert taping (legally of course) and had the same username on a tapers forum. I've since gotten out of it and thought a change was good. On that tapers forum we were able to change our usernames whenever we wanted and it was really easy.
2nd November 06, 08:19 AM
contacted Mike1 to do it. figured it was time for a change and that RealJuggalo didn't fit me anymore. (see Corinthians 13:11, only verse i have memorized.) don't need the label, like i'm in Stage 5 of "being a juggalo" from http://juggalotruth.blogspot.com/
i think everybody goes through stages like this as they figure out who THEY are.
The Stages of Juggaloism
Stage One- Pre Birth:
This occurs before you know Insane Clown Posse exists. You know you're different. You don't conform with society. You see the world differently than most and aren't sure where your view fits in.
Stage Two- The Awakening:
You are introduced to I.C.P. A friend may introduce you, or you may hear a song on the radio. Maybe you see someone sporting a shirt and think "I wonder what that's all about." It can happen in many ways, but from here on out nothing is the same. You start to discover the magic that is the Dark Carnival. You being to find that place where your view belongs.
Stage Three- Clown Boy:
This is the stage that most people resist. Nobody likes to think of themselves as a clown boy (or fanboy, or hound dog...take your pick), but we've ALL been there. This is where I.C.P. and Psychopathic are the WORLD to you. You want all the merchandise, memorize all the songs, and follow blindly the lead of Joe, Joey and the Psychopathic machine. The most common symptoms of being in this stage are: calling ANYONE a Juggahoe, dissing anyone for not having as much merchandise as you or not knowing every lyric to every song on every Psychopathic album, believing everything that J says, and generally defending Psychopathic in everything they do, even when they are wrong. Some are more obvious in this stage than others, but believe me, you too will be / are / once were a clown boy. Sorry. That's just the way it is.
Stage Four- Disillusionment:
This is where you start seeing cracks in the perfect structure that is the Juggalo World. It happens different for all of us. Something will plant a seed of doubt in the world you've emersed yourself in. Maybe you meet Shaggy and he's rude to you. Perhaps you start to see that Psychopathic Records is no different then other record company, and that their main goal is to make money. You start doubting the "Family" and all the hype that come with it. This is the hardest stage to get through. All the faith you put into Psychopathic starts to crumble, and you begin to feel lost once again.
Stage Five- Realization:
The last stage. This is when you finally figure it out. Being a Juggalo isn't about the merchandise or knowing what kind of pudding Shaggy likes. It's not about hating / liking things just cause I.C.P. says so. It's about being YOU. This is about being your own person and not letting anyone tell you how you should be, think, act, or dress. It's about a community of people that have had similar experiences and feelings as you. We have a connection together....even if we don't always get along or agree.
Last edited by GreenDragon; 2nd November 06 at 08:25 AM.
2nd November 06, 11:23 AM
well i guess i would be 5 but i think i skpped from 2 to 5 lol
2nd November 06, 11:55 AM
My brother is 19 and trapped in between 3 and 4.
2nd November 06, 12:02 PM
Congratulations on your new moniker. I think it is more fitting indeed!
2nd November 06, 12:11 PM
very cool...I've got a feeling many here would be a stage 5...even if they skipped the first few stages...
2nd November 06, 12:57 PM
GreenDragon is a tat on my left arm, so it is more fitting by far.
As for the Juggalo thing, i was a Juggalo before i found ICP. As in, i've always done my own thing.
2nd November 06, 01:10 PM
now you need to post pics of the Tat!
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