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Thread: Question

  1. #1
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    I've told my wife i wanted to get one and she must have thought i was joking. (i do joke a lot, maybe too much, but that's me.) she didn't say anything. we were sitting with her mom and her mom asked if i was serious. i said yes, of course.

    i asked the wife to make me one and she said no. i chalked that up to her being pregnant and not wanting to do anything.

    For the kilties who started wearing after getting married, how did your wives react and how did you handle the situation?

  2. #2
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    My wife had known for a long time prior to our marriage of my desire to go about kilted. I got my first kilt about a month or so before the wedding and I wore it once a week or so, just on the weekends. The only stipulation was I couldn't wear it around her mother, who, at that time, was still coping with the idea of someone stealing her little girl away and acting like a child...but that's another story.

    At any rate, since going kilted almost full time, she doesn't mind it, but does like to see me in trousers every now and again because she finds the look of my posterior in bifurcated garments appealing. Of course, I only have three pairs of trousers now, two of which don't fit all that well and the third as a part of my made-to-measure 3 piece suit that I wear to work about once a fortnight (and to other events if the occasion presents itself). I promised I'd buy a new pair of jeans next paycheck and wear them twice a month or so for her benefit. She's been incredibly supportive and it's the least I can do. She doesn't whine or get pushy about it, but I know she'd just like to see me un-kilted every now and then, and I'm okay with that.

  3. #3
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    My wife wanted me to get a Kilt. She said she likes the look and my legs. :rolleyes:

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  4. #4
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    Hey Dragon,

    This is manipulative, and not about kilts, but could easily be adapted.

    A good friend, then in his late 40s, wanted a Harley. He could well afford it but knew his wife would be opposed.

    So, he started bringing home library books about hang gliding. Then he brought home sales brochures for hang gliders. He let that sink in a while. Then he started looking at Harley brochures and she flat encouraged him to buy a bike.

    Once he had the Harley she loved it.

    Maybe you could do the same...just pick something she's most revolted or frightened by.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  5. #5
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    Lucky I guess

    My wife knew I beat to a different drummer before we got married. When I met, I was always in cowboy boots, a hat and western shirts. I still have seven pairs of boots that I never wear now. When we got married I told her that I wanted to wear a red tuxedo jacket (see aviator), and she just kind of smiled and said I wouldn't expect anything else. When Hosehead got me into kilts, it was just another item, I don't think she expected it to become an everyday thing but she has been really supportive.

  6. #6
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    She thought I was being nutty, yet again, but now she likes it. I told her it was my midlife crisis and what would she rather have me get -a new convertible, a new girlfriend or a kilt. Suddenly the kilt was ok.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by millar
    She thought I was being nutty, yet again, but now she likes it. I told her it was my midlife crisis and what would she rather have me get -a new convertible, a new girlfriend or a kilt. Suddenly the kilt was ok.
    I take it she was ok with the old girlfriend?

  8. #8
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    I had it easy. When I told the lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess I wanted a kilt she said she thought I would look good in one. Since then she has been very encoraging and supportive. I am a LUCKY fellow! :mrgreen:

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  9. #9
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    You're touching on something that's been on my mind quite a bit lately.

    Bear in mind that I started wearing kilts twenty years and two kids into my marriage. How is my wife taking it? I honestly don't know. I've asked her and she says that she isn't sure what she thinks about it.

    But I don't push it. Sometimes I wear the kilt, sometimes jeans...and I wear the suit when it's appropriate. I think that the problem arises when the people around you start to think that you are being obstinate and assertive about your right to wear a kilt (read: do whatever YOU want no matter how THEY feel about it). So I try to make it a "non-issue"...and that seems to work well.

    So I don't know if Mrs. Argonian thinks that I'm being childish or eccentric or cool or whatever. I always thought that it was, besides being a gesture of solidarity with my ancestors who were the real "do-ers" and pioneers in my family tree, something of a romantic and dashing thing but my Dear Wife seems rather ambivalent about that concept.

    Oh, well...hope that most of you are having a better time of it in this regard than I am...



  10. #10
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    I started wearing one early June of this year. I had thought about it for years but thought I could not afford it. I did not know about the "off the rack" models. My wife was the one that encouraged it and found Semaus' site Sport Kilt. She ordered me a USA fashion tartan kilt. When it got here & I tried it on she totally changed. It was a case of "OK now put it away and you can were it to ren-fairs."

    Not on your life! I was hooked.

    She always referred to my kilt as my skirt & my sporran as my purse.

    She pitched a fit & got real agitated anytime I wore it out saying she was embarrassed to be seen with me in public. One time we were going to the zoo and she asked what I was wearing. I told her "a kilt of course". She got out the most outlandish clothes she could muster up and even stuck a purple feather boa through her back belt loops for a tail. When it was obvious this did not phase me (and it really did not)she took it all off & dresses normally.

    Now I have 3 kilts. 2 of these from Sport Kilt. I have 2 more on order from another supplier with my eye on a total of 18 from Sport Kilt, USA Kilts, Freedom & others. Within the next year I hope to get Matt Newson to make me one in the Clan Skene tartan and the Tennessee tartan after that.

    Within the last 2 weeks it seems she has not as much animosity to the kilt. I think she is slowly accepting the fact that kilts are my normal casual and formal wear. Last night we went to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and did some shopping at Target. She made no negative comments.

    I love my wife. I do not like ANY confrontation, but like my beard, I am not giving up my kilts for anybody. That's just me.

    Each relationship is different. My technique has been to just not give it up.

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