14th November 06, 02:14 PM
I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Usgie, P1M. It was quite evident from your various postings where he accompanied you & Emma on your travels that he meant a lot to you & was a part of your family. The photo of you two on his last day was very touching & appropriate as he's very close to your heart (as I know he'll remain).
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
14th November 06, 04:42 PM
My condolences go out to you and your's. It's never easy to say goodbye to a true friend.
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
19th November 06, 03:56 AM
thanks to ya a' fur your thoughts an condolences...
much apprieciated...
Emma, Ceilidh, an ai arr a' still mopin 'roon the hoose missin' the wee bouy...
thanks again...
19th November 06, 08:01 AM
Pim, these are two poems that comforted me when my Nikita died on July 15, 2005. I hope they do the same for you.
When the Time Comes
Lord, when the time comes please help me be strong
my furry friend is sick; something's terribly wrong
The vet checked her over; there's nothing he can do
I'm afraid soon I'll be sending her; home to You-
Please take her back home; on the wings of a dove
into Your loving arms; up in heaven above
Take her to a meadow; where she can play and run free
under bright sunlight; among the green grass and trees-
She's been a part of my life now; for so many years
I'll miss her so much; my eyes are filling with tears
Please give me the courage; to tell her good-bye
as I know she'll watch over me; through her loving eyes-
I'll never forget her; I'll see her one day
tell her we'll meet at the Bridge; then we'll go play
I'll cherish the memories; of the time we both had
they'll put a smile on my face; then I won't feel as bad
John Quealy
Tribute to a Best Friend
Sunlight streams through window pane
unto a spot on the floor....
then I remember,
it's where you used to lie,
but now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet,
and muted echoes sound....
then I remember,
It's where your paws would joyously abound.
A voice is heard along the road,
and up beyond the hill,
then I remember it can't be yours....
your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot of floor
and empty muted hall
and lay them with the absent voice
and unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials
in a blanket of my love
and keep them for my best friend
until we meet above.
Author unknown
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
19th November 06, 08:09 AM
Here is my favorite. I tried to edit it in with the others, but the edit function doesn't seem to be working.
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me.......
When tomorrow starts without me,
And I’m not there to see;
The sun will rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry
The way you did today,
Remembering how I’d lay my head
In your lap that special way.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you’ll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me.
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name
And petted me with her hand.
She said my place was ready,
In Heaven far above,
And that I’d have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But, as I turned to heel away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life I never thought
That I would have to die.
I had so much to live for,
So many “sits” and “downs” to do
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought about our lives together,
I know you must be sad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.
Remember how I’d nudge your hand,
And poke you with my nose?
The frisbee I would gladly chase,
The bad guy, I’d “bark and hold”.
If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for awhile,
I’d wag my tail and kiss you,
Just so I could see you smile.
But, then I fully realized,
That this could never be;
For emptiness and memories
Will take the place of me.
And when I thought of treats and toys,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you and when I did,
My dog-heart filled with sorrow.
But then I walked through Heaven’s gate,
And felt so much at home;
As God looked down and smiled at me,
From His beautiful golden throne.
He said, “This is eternity,
And now we welcome you,
Today your life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last;
For you see, each days’s the same day,
There’s no longing for the past.
Now you have been so faithful,
So trusting, loyal and true;
Though there were times you did things,
You knew you shouldn’t do.
But good dogs are forgiven,
And now at last you’re free;
So won’t you sit here by my side,
And wait right here with me?”
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don’t think we’re far apart.
For every time you think of me,
I’m right there, in your heart.
(author unknown)
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
19th November 06, 11:15 AM
My condolences Robertson. Our thoughts are with you.
19th November 06, 11:31 AM
As an animal lover, I feel for you for your loss. My advice is to try to remember the way he lived not the way he died.
19th November 06, 12:04 PM
 Originally Posted by Pour1Malt
thanks to ya a' fur your thoughts an condolences...
much apprieciated...
Emma, Ceilidh, an ai arr a' still mopin 'roon the hoose missin' the wee bouy...
thanks again...
There is only one thing to do... get a companion for Ceilidh (and yourselves). Best way of getting over your sad loss.
19th November 06, 12:07 PM
Very sad to hear of your loss, I am sure he will be sadly missed
19th November 06, 12:57 PM
Robertson and Emma sorry to hear about Usgie.
I know how you must be feeling I have lost one dog and a cat and each time it hurts as much as a family member passing.
Two weeks ago Marilyn and I thought we were going to have to put down our 18 year old cat Prissy but she pulled through and is up and looking out the window but when the time comes we all have to let go .
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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