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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down Dentist...........

    Anyone else hate going to the dentist? How about going to a dentist that doesn't speak your language?

    I've had severe toothache for the last 5 hours, the drugs the dentist gave me in case this happened (I'm in the middle of treatment on this tooth) didn't do too much. I guess I'll be having root canal (from past experience of similar symptoms I'm fairly sure this is what I'm up for) today when I get to the dentist's office in about 5 hours, assuming I can get an appointment.

    Sorry if this comes across as feeling sorry for myself, I'm not really, just bored and trying to do things at 5.45am to keep my mind off my tooth...... Owww!
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacTavishOfJapan View Post
    I've had severe toothache for the last 5 hours, the drugs the dentist gave me in case this happened (I'm in the middle of treatment on this tooth) didn't do too much.
    Clove oil is your friend.

    Take a wooden toothpick, soak the end in clove oil, and GENTLY rub it into the gums surrounding the painful tooth.

    The stuff really does work.

  3. #3
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    I love old remedies! Sadly, I wouldn't begin to know where to get it or what it would be called here. In many ways I can't wait to move back to Scotland!

    I'll be arranging a dental appointment first thing though and I can take those pills again in an hour! So I should be in the home straight.
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  4. #4
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    I'm due at the dentist for a check up on Wednesday.

    I recall reading an article somewhere about a dentist in Edinburgh who wears a kilt to surgery every day. That might make attending the dentist more bearable.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    I'm due at the dentist for a check up on Wednesday.

    I recall reading an article somewhere about a dentist in Edinburgh who wears a kilt to surgery every day. That might make attending the dentist more bearable.
    I meant to mention this before, I think my Grandad's dentist in Loanhead (near Edinburgh) wears the kilt. I plan on wearing mine, when it comes, to the dentist here (I have many visits ahead of me!), it'll give them something to giggle over other than me being the size of a sumo to them!!!!!! No joke, on Saturday the dentist said as I was leaving, in Japanese, "You're big!", cheers pal!
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  6. #6
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    In my experience, once the abscess gets to that stage, the options are - root canal - or - extraction. I've had several root canals... Not pleasant.

    At least once that's been done to a tooth, it will never give you a tooth ache again.

  7. #7
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    You have my sympathy - and I am a dentist by profession!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niblox View Post
    You have my sympathy - and I am a dentist by profession!
    Um OK, now I am really scared!

    I've had a few root canals myself. I'm expecting root canal and crown, that seems to be the way they go over here. I would prefer to keep the "tooth".

    I took the second dose of the drugs they gave me at 7.10 and they worked far better this time, rokisonin in Japanese (maybe loxonin) and I have an appointment in an hour or so. It'll all be over relatively soon.
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  9. #9
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    Theres only one thing worse that I can think of, thats allready having the tooth fixed and 5 years later having the filling come out and not realizing it right off untill you eat something hard that goes right in the hole:frown: . I hope everything comes out alright(no pun intended). I feel your pain.


  10. #10
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    Remember, needing a root canal is always worse then getting one. If you hate going to the dentist, you definitely wouldn't want my job. I go there every day to work. I'm a dental lab technician. The lab in which I work is in a big dental office. Like most folks, I used to be terrified of the dentist. But after being around them for so long, and being around the procedures so much, I finally got my butt in the chair and took care of all the things I'd been neglecting since high school. I needed a little nitrous at first, but I think I've overcome most of my anxiety. Plus, I think it's easier to get in the chair when it's free!
    Paul X. Danner
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