27th November 06, 03:23 PM
Total members that have visited the forum today: 258
Abax, acaig, Ackwell, Aggie, aikinut, Al G. Sporrano, alabama kiltie, Alan H, Andrew Breecher, Andy Snow, andyfg, angel923, AnimalK, arrogcow, auld argonian, Ayrkiltie, A_Hay!, Barb T., Barclay, Barry, beerbecue, Beertigger, beloitpiper, beowulf67, Big Dave, Bil, Bill, billmcc, bjcustard, BLAZN, BluesDoxieGa, Bob C., brando78, Brasilikilt, bubba, bunchdescendant, cajunscot, CameronTaylor, Canadian_Kilt, canawler, Captain, Caradoc, cavscout, Cawdorian, cessna152towser, cgrinder, chasem, Chef, Chefdave, Cinnabar, ckelly327, cloves, Coemgen, Conroy, corbinj, cormacmacguardhe, Corvidae, crboltz, damin202, davecolorado72, davedove, David Dalglish, David Thornton, David White, Deasan, Derek, dirkskene, dwg69, efer, elijah, fhpdo, flyv65, Foxgun Tom, Frank MacDuffy, Frank McGrath, Freedomlover, Freelander Sporrano, Frog, furrycelt, g koch, Gaisgeil, GallowHill, Gary, GatorUK, gbliss, Geomantic, gilmore, Graham, GreenDragon, Günter, H. Hastings, haukehaien, HeathBar, herminator, Highland Thrower, Ialtog, ian, Improv1, Irish in Tacoma, irishrob, JackK, JBfromBS, Jefflee1, JimB, jiminak, Joe Gondek, John Fiske, John M., johnnym, Juggalotus, Julian, katmills2005, keepoffgrass, Kid Cossack, KILT TURKEY, Kilted kiwi, Kilted Stuart, Kilted Taper, KiltedCodeWarrior, Kiltedfirepiper, KiltedKnight, KiltedKnome, Kiltedmusiclover, KiltedTurtle, kilted_brewer, Kilted_John_Sporrano, kiltimabar, Kiltman, kiltman with a sword, Kiltrider, Kizmet, laotou, Lee, Livingston, LoftGuy, M. A. C. Newsome, macgreggor, Machinest, MacHummel, MacMullen, MacSimoin, MacTavishOfJapan, MacWage, magthomson, Maraiche, Mark Keney, Martin, Martin S, Matthew, Matthew Siegmann, mbhandy, McClef, mcpelle, michael steinrok, Mike1, MikeFitz, mkmound, Monkey@Arms, mono, motorman4life, Mowgli, MrLion, mrpharr, mudd, Nanook, navycb, Navyguy, neo71665, Niblox, Nick, nixphotography, O'Neille, ozmeath, Panache, paulhenry, PaulX608, pbpersson, pdcorlis, PiobBear, Piper, Planopiper, Pleater, porrick, possingk, Pour1Malt, Prester John, Rab Gordon, Rampant Lion, Raphael, RCallan, Realscot1, Red Lioness, RedDevilWill, Retro Red, Rex_Tremende, richardljohnson, Richard_D, Richland, Rigged, Riverkilt, Roan Carter, Robert Lamb, Robin, RockyR, RoderickOfClanMadHaggis, Ron Murray, Ruanaidh, Rusty, Rygar, sav, Schultz, Sciuropterus, Scott Gilmore, Scotty-x, scoutniagara, setboy, Shane, shaned, Sheep In Wolf's Clothing, sjrapid, slohairt, sorcererdale, SouthernScot, souzaphone711, Splash_4, starbkjrus, StoneCold, Stoogy, Streetcar, Sylvain, Tartan Hiker, Tattoobradley, The Wizard of BC, TheSp8, thomsec, timber, TimC, turpin, Ugly Bear, UmAnOnion, Uncle Ricky, usndoc, Verlyn, walkerk, wesd, wgority, Wompet, wsk, Wulfestieg, Yaish, Zardoz
27th November 06, 03:39 PM
Nah, none of us are addicted to this forum . . . we could all walk away from it at any time . . .
27th November 06, 03:42 PM
But have they all made at least one post? :rolleyes:
Still good to see the site getting a good deal of use.
[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.
Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
(Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
27th November 06, 03:42 PM
 Originally Posted by mkmound
Nah, none of us are addicted to this forum . . . we could all walk away from it at any time . . .
I know I can , in fact I'm not on the forum now :rolleyes:...
27th November 06, 04:01 PM
It doesn't surprise me. From what I've seen Xmarks is a great community full of solid people.
27th November 06, 04:30 PM
The actual count varies because it rolls over at each member's midnight.
I am currently seeing a total of 232 unique members that have visited today and the figures from the 'back room' show a total of 292 posts (counting this one). That's ~1.25 posts/member, which is not so bad.
27th November 06, 06:24 PM
Hey! I am NOT listed yet I logged on to X Marks at least three times during Monday!!!
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
27th November 06, 06:50 PM
I post from work mostly. Don't tell my boss
27th November 06, 07:00 PM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
Hey! I am NOT listed yet I logged on to X Marks at least three times during Monday!!!
They can't see you, as you are logged in using 'invisible' mode. And I hope that doesn't give you away. 
If you want to show up, you'll have to edit that option in your UserCP. If you cannot sort it, let me know and I can change the option for you.
For the record, there are a handful of you that do use the 'invisible' option. (Seven members have used that option in the last 20+ hours.) The forum staff can see those members as they appear in the online list with a special identifying mark, to let us know they are/were logged on in that fashion. You'll notice in the postbit that online members have what appears to be a green light next to their name, while the light appears to be off when that member is logged out. The 'invisible' members' light is a different color, so we can identify that option as we view threads and posts. Being 'invisible' isn't 100% invisible.
27th November 06, 07:04 PM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
Hey! I am NOT listed yet I logged on to X Marks at least three times during Monday!!!
Hamish...may I say that I really like your "new look" in your avitar. For a fellow who claims he never wears a hat, it looks very classy indeed. As does the beard.
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