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Thread: Prom advice

  1. #21
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    I'm personally a big fan of plaids, and I'd recommend e-mailing Stillwater and inquiring about how soon the saffron plaids will be available. I know they've carried them before, I think they just may be out of stock temporarily.

    Also, ghillies are typically Scottish. If you plan to wear the saffron, I'd recommend normal dress shoes.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker View Post
    Well, here's another vote for ditching the fly and gillies and using the cash to buy a nicer sporran that will serve you well into the future.

    While I'm adding my $.02, I'd also suggest going with a tartan, any tartan, rather than a solid color, considering the venue.

    I agree for 100%

  3. #23
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    Tartan Hiker wrote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker View Post
    Well, here's another vote for ditching the fly and gillies and using the cash to buy a nicer sporran that will serve you well into the future.

    While I'm adding my $.02, I'd also suggest going with a tartan, any tartan, rather than a solid color, considering the venue.Bill
    Based on what Coemgen wrote earlier...

    Quote Originally Posted by Coemgen View Post
    ... I need something that looks good, and appropriate. The head of the school's pipe band always shows up, as well as the teacher who is an immigrant - from Scotland. Combined, they are to Kilt Police what Hermann Wilhelm Göring was to the Gestapo. I don't particularly mind getting yelled at because my sporran is an inch too high, but I would like to get past with merely a glare and a grunt, as opposed to a rant about getting "the real thing" (i.e., a $1,000.00+ outfit hand made in Scotland)
    ...I'd say go Irish and side step comparrison to Custom Made Scottish Kilts.
    Perhaps a nice Harp or Shamrock kilt pin to go with with the ensemble.
    Kilted KT had some pictures up of him wearing a PC Jacket with a Stillwater Heavyweight Saffron and the result was quite handsome. Make sure to get the matching flashes. You can always email Jerry at Stillwater and see if he has an ETA on the Saffron plaids. The Celtic Croft (another X Marks sponsor has some pretty reasonable (under $50) economy sporrans and I think the leather semidress sporran very nice for the money (it's not sturdy enough for heavy every day use but for the odd formal occassion it's great.)

    Last edited by Panache; 29th November 06 at 09:52 AM.
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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  4. #24
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    Well, in case anyone is interested, my prom is this Saturday at the Anaheim Convention Center. I shall be wearing:

    • A Stillwater wool Irish Saffron
    • A similarly coloured fly plaid and brooch, from the same
    • My Prince Charlie

    From Uniformalwearhouse.com
    • A wing-collar tuxedo shirt
    • A black bowtie
    • Studs and cufflinks

    • A "fur daywear sporran" from Stillwater
    • Black hose from a kilt store's booth at the LA County Irish Festival
    • Saffron flashes from Stillwater
    • A pair of plain black dress shoes
    • NO sgian dubh, due to a zero tolerance policy regarding having weapons at school events
    • A great big smile

    I just need to press the shirt and get rid of the creases in the fly plaid. And, of course, stuff like pick up the corsage, get the limo, et cetera ad infinitum…

    As soon as I get them, I'll post pictures.


  5. #25
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    Sounds like a great outfit. Enjoy your prom... and tuck a fresh condom into your sporran, even if you don't plan to use it. It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

  6. #26
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    As I have stated before on other kilt forums, both myself and my date follow the moral guidelines of traditional Christianity, i.e. no extramarital sexual activity. Why, for the love of Pete, does everyone think that we teenagers are all horomone crazed hedonists?! I'm sick and tired of being treated like some sort of sex maniac every time I mention my personal relationships. Damn it, there are those of us under the age of 20 who actually believe the moral teachings of the Church and are capable of exercising self control!

    I apologise for this outbreak, but (as you may have noticed) I'm a wee bit touchy on this issue.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone, but I am quite tired of constant inquiries into my private life whenever I mention doing anything with my girlfriend. There is such a thing as chaste love, you know. Now, I am not trying to say that anyone is a worse person for not avoiding extramarital sex, Lord knows I'm in no place to judge others, but I would like to be absolutely clear on this point: neither I nor my girlfriend intend to put ourselves in a situation that will require the use of birth control.


  7. #27
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    Why, for the love of Pete, does everyone think that we teenagers are all horomone crazed hedonists?!
    I understand completely. I was a good Christian boy and took a good Christian girl to my prom. We had a lot of fun together but not that kind of fun.

    I didn't turn into a sex-crazed hedonist until I got married almost a year ago.

  8. #28
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    Sounds like a great outfit!! We are eagerly waiting to see the pics!

  9. #29
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    Sounds like you assembled a good outfit. I'm curious to see the saffron fly paid. It's probably more formal than most of us would wear but for the prom it's worth going over the top for one night. Enjoy the evening.

  10. #30
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    Sounds like a great outfit; post pics when you can.

    As for the rest of it, one of the surest ways I know of to incite a riot in a pub is to talk religion and politics...probably why to do so on this forum is an unequivocal violation of the Terms of Service.

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