5th December 06, 08:11 PM
Saga of the Converses . . .
Thanks to a link and thread on THIS VERY FORUM . . .
I made an order of some (actually 4) pairs of shoes. Well, 2 are the customs and Extra hightops and 2 are monochrome black stock ones.
Well, I make the order and get a return box saying it didn't go through due to unidentified error and to try again. So, I did. Same, so did again. Same.
I waited a while and tried again. Same problem.:confused:
I tried twice this morning. My order never went through and my "cart" never emptied. Finally, I called and ordered my phone.
Well, tonight I checked my e-mail and I got one confirmation and 2 cancelled orders (same shoes two order numbers). I called to make sure that I would get the 2 cancelled shoes. Surprisingly, I got through almost immediately. She got my name and number. I explained and she asked me how many times I ordered . It turns out I have 14/FOURTEEN!!!
FOURTEEN!!!!! orders of the SAME pair of shoes, all made the same day, She cancelled 2 not yet processed, so the number is now 12.
Hopefully, the system red flagged the order BEFORE it was processed. Otherwise, I might get 24-28 pair of $70 custom shoes, non-returnable. AND 24 pair of returnable stock ones.
It is NOW a MESS!!!!!!
I'll keep y'all updated as things get straughtened out.
Moral of the story: If the order is Not excepted. CALL and DO NOT HIT TRY AGAIN!!!!!
So, if one cannot get 10.5 black hi-top Converses, they are ALL coming to me.
Update: Actually it was 17 orders, 16 stock and 1 custom (shoo) . Now, its 12 "shipped."
I could get up to 16 pairs of stock shoes (4 in leather) in one size . I hope Converse and UPS figure out how to stop all but 1 order!
Oh oop: oop: oop:
Last edited by MacWage; 5th December 06 at 08:48 PM.
Reason: Update
5th December 06, 08:18 PM
I'd like to help you out and take a few pairs off your hands, uh, feet, but I wear a size 15.
10.5 is a pretty common size though. Maybe there'd be some people here that need some. What do the customs look like?
6th December 06, 06:26 AM
Funny story (but not funny ha-ha!) I had the same thing happen a couple of years ago when I tried to order the 2004 Edinburgh tattoo video. I tried twice on the net to place the order and finally gave up and called. Well, you guessed it, three copies showed up on my door step. Now it is a little far from Snellville, Georgia to Edinburgh, so some poor unsuspecting folks got bagpipe music for Christmas!
Let us know how it turns out!
6th December 06, 07:01 AM
That sucks, It has happened to me on line also, only I was ordering $20 items and I got to cancel one and had to pay for 2. Learned my lesson???

Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
6th December 06, 07:37 AM
My manager just a had the exact same thing happen. Only he ended up with 4 or 5 orders of ATV full body plastic (about $500 an order.) Luckily for him, in doing so he put them in back order status and only one set had shipped.
6th December 06, 09:02 AM
Gee... I feel kind of responsible. Sorry about that. If that were my size, I'd buy some of them off ya. (I have almost as many hi-tops as Kilts.)
Being someone who writes, uses and test software tools, I have an instinct which dictates; if something seems not to work initially, just investigate a little and see what really happened.
6th December 06, 04:26 PM
 Originally Posted by mudd
Gee... I feel kind of responsible..
ack! Why do you feel responsible????? I think it was my link that the poster was refering to. I feel horrible 
Call your credit card company immediately and tell them you were charged more then once, they should be able to help you out.
6th December 06, 05:05 PM
 Originally Posted by cloves
ack! Why do you feel responsible?????
He PMed me about my all black extra-high-tops. I told him that's the place to get them.
6th December 06, 05:16 PM
I see. Either way, if he calls his credit card company and Converse and explains what happened it should all be fixable. *fingers crossed*
6th December 06, 05:27 PM
It certainly should. Credit card company's are used to this!
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