I thought I'd offer up this verse to you all![]()
Dùrachd na Nollaige:
Air an Nollaig àraidh seo,
Is gach latha a tha a’ tighinn ‘na dhéidh,
Gun taomadh oirbh de lànachd,
Gun fhàillin oirbh fon ghréin,
Air ceum gun chearb gun tuisleadh,
Ach ur slighe dìreach réidh,
Ur n-eagailt blàth is ur n-aoibhneas làn,
Is sibh sona slàn gun éis.
Best wishes for Christmas:
On this special Christmas,
And every day that comes after it,
My abundance be heaped on you,
Without a want under the sun,
Walking easily without stumbling,
And your way straight and level,
Your health warm and plenty of joy,
And you healthy and content without want.
Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur; A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year