27th December 06, 02:01 AM
Bagpipes! The bane and love of my life!
I wasn't sure whether to put this thread in the "celtic music" section or in this one, but I decided on this one.
So, right now I have Great Highland Bagpipes (the big Scottish ones) and some lovely John Walsh Smallpipes
which are for playing indoors and with other people. They sound great and I love them. Here's the dilemma: I really have been drooling over uilleann pipes
for awhile now. Unfortunately, I cannot afford them, but somebody has offered to buy my smallpipes. Should I part with my smallpipes to realize my Uilleann dream, or stick with what I already have? I'm afraid I'll miss my smallpipes a lot, but at the same time Uilleann pipes have always been my favorite instrument.
Any suggestions? For all the pipers out there, what would you do?
Last edited by beloitpiper; 27th December 06 at 02:01 AM.
Reason: photos
27th December 06, 06:34 AM
We have a set of Uillean pipes and no body can play them. Let me talk to my wife. mayhap, I can talk her into selling them.
27th December 06, 10:24 AM
Do what I did.......play them all! Hang onto the Walsh pipes. You'll not realise enough from selling them to make that large of a dent in the cost of the uilleanns.
Trust me, you will find applications for both.
The tradition continues!
The Pipers Gathering at Killington, VT
27th December 06, 10:32 AM
Hang onto them and save or borrow to get those uillean pipes. Several years back, I sold my bagpipes to pay for a few hours flying lessons and I've oft regretted not having kept going with the pipes.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
27th December 06, 11:24 AM
Second to what wgority said. The smallpipes are nice to have, and you'll want them at times when you don't feel like playing the uillean set. I love my smallpipes - I've got them fitted with Song of the Sea brass drone reeds, and when I strike in they sound like a swarm of bumblebees.
Also, he's right that you won't make much of a dent in the cost of an uillean set for the price of a set of smallpipes.
27th December 06, 11:39 AM
I dunno...I always have to explain why it is that,as a photographer, I have so many cameras...a buddy of mine has more guitars than he can ever play in a lifetime...if it's what you do and what you love then there's no reason that you shouldn't have as many instruments a you feel you need. Hang on to your smallpipes.
I have never known a piper that didn't clean up on St. Patrick's Day...if I were you, I'd certainly hold out till then and try to play as many bars as you can and then count up the tips. And as much as I would hate to deprive Beloit of its resident piper, I'd think about coming down to Chicago if the action up there isn't as - shall we say - potentially profitable...lots of well lubrucated and very generous Irish-Americans in the Chicago bars on St. Pat's.
27th December 06, 11:37 PM
Guys, as much as I would like to have both, it's either one or the other. I'm a college student. I have no money. I either keep the smallpipes or sell them and get some Uilleanns. Unless I find a really great deal on Uilleann pipes, I'm going to have to choose between the smallpipes and the Uilleann pipes.
28th December 06, 12:50 AM
Keep you small pipes, you will only regret it otherwise. You are a young man, you have time on you hands to save up for the Uilleann pipes.
28th December 06, 07:51 AM
I've heard of violinists having Stradivari and Amati's lent to them on long term bases by collectors....isn't there such a generous patron of the arts out there who'd be willing to do the same for a promising young piper?
Are there no grant programs or awards from various Irish and Scottish Heritage groups that would help subsidize such ambition? Beat the bushes, you rabble...leave no stone unturned...
28th December 06, 08:36 AM
I play a lot of celtic instruments: bodhran, guitar, mandolin, bones, penny whistle, scottish bagpipes, and dulcimer. I just thought Uilleann pipes would be a great one to know (especially after learning penny whistle). I've got a few leads on a set, but nothing solid yet. If anybody else can provide an offer, I would love to discuss it!
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