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Thread: Freedom Afoot?

  1. #31
    Graham's Avatar
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    This has turned out to be an interesting thread, thanks for the great photos, and the podcast Andrew, just getting it now.

    BarefootScott, I appreciate your imput, you obviously have more experience in this interesting pursuit.

  2. #32
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    Although it might not be illegal to drive barefoot, I would recommend anyone trying it to be very careful. The feel of the pedals is VERY different in that you can feel them much better. So, when applying pressure, it will feel like you're applying more pressure than you really are.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #33
    Graham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    Although it might not be illegal to drive barefoot, I would recommend anyone trying it to be very careful. The feel of the pedals is VERY different in that you can feel them much better. So, when applying pressure, it will feel like you're applying more pressure than you really are.
    Good word of warning Dave, thanks. I'm not personally on a crusade to drive barefooted, all i want to do is toughen my feet so I'm not a tippy-toeing pussy when I don't have shoes on.

    Kiltmen have to be tough!

  4. #34
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    This thread brought back memories of my childhood in Duluth, Minnesota where we NEVER wore shoes during the warmer months and the soles of my feet were harder than rawhide. However, I could not even think about going barefoot in the wintertime as I remember the plowed snow that buried the sidewalks under four or more feet of snow and we had to walk on top of that to get to school.

    I spent a lot of years wearing boots after that and as I became a more professional soldier I literally became more of a tenderfoot as the soles of my feet became softer over the years.

    Today, forget it, I don't have the time to go barefoot, or rather, take the time to get my feet used to going barefoot again but with arthritis setting in here and there I guess I never will again. THOUGHT: Never get old.


  5. #35
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    Chris, going OT here (but it's my thread anyway), I had arthritis badly in my knees four years. Now I can climb mountains. My solution was 1.fasting, for detoxing and loosing weight. 2. diet reform, esp. eliminating all dairy products, 3. taking glucosamine regularly.

    Hope this helps you.

  6. #36
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    Thank you for the sage advice, I will try all and let you know what developes. I have been having problems with dairy products lately anyway although never before in my life. Does the fasting alone really work to detox or there anything else I need to do?


  7. #37
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    Kombucha helps. Everything. Detox, RA, everything. Don't want to go off topic, so PM me or hit up google.

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