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Thread: Tattoo art?

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barclay View Post

    Although I still like the idea of placement over the heart, I'm still leaning to a more visible placement - I thought the side of the calf, but maybe I should think upper arm or somewhere else that won't get quite as much sun, and hopefully not as much fading, as my calf.

    Big Mikey - that's a nice design! I like it.

    Thanks for all the insight and advice guys. This is a great help!

    Watch the upper arm, it would most likely get more sun than your calf. Especially left side, you know driving down the highway, arm hanging out the window... Tattoo can indeed mark a chapter of your life, but the visual of your tat seems that it might be overly big for a calf, though some like wrap-arounds. Any thoughts of breaking it up into two tats? Remember this, tattoos are very adictive, they get under your skin. I like the idea of a trial in henna, that is quite brilliant.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    ... but the visual of your tat seems that it might be overly big for a calf, though some like wrap-arounds.
    I'm envisioning 4-5" in height, and not much more in width. The selected artist will have a lot to say in that regard, I suspect. Because I am in business, and a very conservative business at that, it needs to be located where it can be concealed, but I also want it where it will be visible when appropriate.

    I'll be in Burlington for a day or two at Victoria Day, if not sooner. Beer at Emma's?

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  3. #3
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    As a rather heavily tattooed member I'll toss my 2 cents in too.

    It can't be emphisized enough; find a good artist. Look at photos of their work. Most artists have portfolios where they can be viewed by perspective costomers.

    Also, like any kind of art, everyone has a different style. If you find an artist who is good, but their style doesn't suit you they're not the one. If there is an artist you like, but they're not local, don't be afraid to travel. I've endured several 14hour flight to visit my tattoo artist, and we're still a long way from being finished.

    My opinion, go a little bigger than you're thinking.

  4. #4
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    De gustibus non disputandem est. Nice tats. Mine is on the left upper arm. 15th century locksmith guild sign. BTW there is an article in todays paper about Castle Bran being for sale. A steal at $78,000,000.00 {Castle Dracula}

  5. #5
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I've thought about getting the word בעל זבוב tattooed on the bottom of my foot.

    It'd be nice to walk all over him all day.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barclay View Post
    I'm envisioning 4-5" in height, and not much more in width. The selected artist will have a lot to say in that regard, I suspect. Because I am in business, and a very conservative business at that, it needs to be located where it can be concealed, but I also want it where it will be visible when appropriate.

    I'll be in Burlington for a day or two at Victoria Day, if not sooner. Beer at Emma's?

    Kilt night in Burlington! May two-four! Cool. Might we see your new tat in person?

  7. #7
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    Thanks for all the info - I guess the search now begins for an artist. I appreciate all the help, insight and opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Kilt night in Burlington! May two-four! Cool. Might we see your new tat in person?
    I hope so!

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Tattoo can indeed mark a chapter of your life...........Remember this, tattoos are very adictive, they get under your skin.
    Funny you should mention tattoo. I had the day off because of snow, so I went and got a tat I had been planning on. I have three tats now and I started with my chest, over the heart and it hurt like h-e-double hocky sticks! It is indeed addicting. Now that I have ink on three sides of my bosy, I need one for the fourth side, right?

    The ink I got today was artwork drawn by my 19 year old neice that we lost a year ago Jan 2 in an auto accident. Several of us in the family got tats of her doodle work to honor her life. Here's to the memory of Elizabeth Ariel Weedmark.

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