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Thread: Pocket Watches.

  1. #41
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    Fob or chain?

    How do you wear your pocket watches with your kilt? Filman showed the belt pockets, but I'm not to fond of them myself. My UKs have pockets and my PK has a special pocket for a watch. But the sporran is a whole 'nother matter.

    I've found that my watch chain doesn't work to well in the sporran, so I've thought of using an old fashioned watch fob.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
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  2. #42
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    Has Dalvey come up in this thread at all?


    They sell a mechanical pocket watch...among other interesting things.



  3. #43
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    Dreadbelly, I don't know about the electrical fields problem, but I also have the problem of corroding stainless and lesser metals with my perspiration. I even have scars on my left wrist from the reaction.

    However, I found a metal that seems impervious: titanium! I've been using a Seiko titanium watch & band for aout 5 years now with no ill effects to me or the watch. I even wear a titanium wedding band (with gold inlay).

    I think Seiko makes a titanium auto-winder (mechanical) watch, so this may be an alternative for you…

  4. #44
    Brasilikilt's Avatar
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    You might want to consider Russian watches. Many can be had for under $40 on E-bay. These watches are built TOUGH for the guys who drive tanks and jump out of airplanes
    I've had my mechanical self-winding Vostok Submarine commander's watch for almost 5 years, I've put it through hell while wearing it as I was doing masonry work and also wore it while doing some pretty rough traveling through the bush.

    To keep time, all it asks is to be worn every day

    If I remember correctly Mulnija is the company that makes a lot of Pocket watches
    Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick

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