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  1. #11
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    We went from a current legal drama to a syndicated sci-fi. I wonder if Q has something to do with this...

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IEScotsman View Post
    We went from a current legal drama to a syndicated sci-fi. I wonder if Q has something to do with this...
    Is not that noted thespian and singer* William Shatner on the show?


    * The man has won two emmys for ACTING and got good reviews on his last album. I must be in the mirror mirror universe!
    -See it there, a white plume
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  3. #13
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    [QUOTE=Panache;326529]A rip off of the superior Babylon 5?

    Babylon 5 ? wasn't that the show where everyone was on this 5 mile long rotating space station that had it's whole inside landscaped with trees and brooks and chirping birds etc... (just like Greg Bear's 'Eon' btw) but all they did was run around in hallways and make lots of speeches?

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    A rip off of the superior Babylon 5?

    Just to get out geekiness straight, DS9 premired nearly 2 months before the first episode (movie) of Babylon 5. Who ripped who off .


  5. #15
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    I had tongue firmly in cheek when I posted. Rather than take IEScotsman's post further off topic I humbly submit that both DS9 and B5 were very good television.

    Here's to more kilts during Primetime.

    Last edited by Panache; 6th February 07 at 06:08 PM. Reason: My post was off topic
    -See it there, a white plume
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    Here's to more kilts during Primetime.

    Here, here!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by IEScotsman View Post
    We went from a current legal drama to a syndicated sci-fi. I wonder if Q has something to do with this...
    Only if M decided to have him whip something up... perhaps a kilt that leaves oil slicks and a sporran with machineguns?

  8. #18
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    Awright, now you're getting into many of my "things" so I have to comment:

    B5 or DS9...which came first...don't know, don't care. I loved B5...actually managed to incorporate some of the typical "hidden agenda" aspects of human nature with a really big, really scary universe...lots of "things are not what they may appear" factors in the story line...notably G'Kar (great Chicago actor Andreus Katsulis) and the Vorlons...mighty creepy, those Vorlons. UNFORTUNATELY...jumped the shark way early on but kept grinding on in spite of it...a prime example of "less is more" but when you throw out too much people lose interest.

    DS9 was supposed to be the "dark" side of Star Trek...thus we end up with the episode where they all play baseball on the holodeck (how dark is that?). Seriously, this one jumped the shark but managed to come back for the Jem Hadar/Founders/Cardassian war story arc. Sadly, they tried, as with B5, to incorporate too much mysticism in the story line...which wouldn't have been bad except they just didn't keep the "mystery" in "mysticism"...I refer to the ethereal beings who lived in the worm hole and who eventually drafted Commader Sisko to join them in the netherworld and become an "ascended being"...and that touches on Stargate and I'm not gonna go there. Rest assured that, if I was running the Star Trek franchise, I'd re-incorporate DS9 and bring the Prophet Sisko back in one of the movies.

    Which brings us back to...Rene Auberjonois...who didn't love that crusty old lawman Odo? How bout that bucket thing, eh? Wouldn't ya love to see them bring him back even in a cameo role?

    And if the Ferengi wore kilts, rest assured that they would have threads of gold plated latinum running through the tartans.

    And...Boston Legal? Rene, Bill Shatner and Armin Shimmerman (Quark of DS9) in a recurring role as a judge...not to mention tons of most excellent guest stars and semi-regulars like Shelley Berman.



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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    Awright, now you're getting into many of my "things" so I have to comment:

    B5 or DS9...which came first...don't know, don't care. I loved B5...actually managed to incorporate some of the typical "hidden agenda" aspects of human nature with a really big, really scary universe...lots of "things are not what they may appear" factors in the story line...notably G'Kar (great Chicago actor Andreus Katsulis) and the Vorlons...mighty creepy, those Vorlons. UNFORTUNATELY...jumped the shark way early on but kept grinding on in spite of it...a prime example of "less is more" but when you throw out too much people lose interest.

    DS9 was supposed to be the "dark" side of Star Trek...thus we end up with the episode where they all play baseball on the holodeck (how dark is that?). Seriously, this one jumped the shark but managed to come back for the Jem Hadar/Founders/Cardassian war story arc. Sadly, they tried, as with B5, to incorporate too much mysticism in the story line...which wouldn't have been bad except they just didn't keep the "mystery" in "mysticism"...I refer to the ethereal beings who lived in the worm hole and who eventually drafted Commader Sisko to join them in the netherworld and become an "ascended being"...and that touches on Stargate and I'm not gonna go there. Rest assured that, if I was running the Star Trek franchise, I'd re-incorporate DS9 and bring the Prophet Sisko back in one of the movies.

    Which brings us back to...Rene Auberjonois...who didn't love that crusty old lawman Odo? How bout that bucket thing, eh? Wouldn't ya love to see them bring him back even in a cameo role?

    And if the Ferengi wore kilts, rest assured that they would have threads of gold plated latinum running through the tartans.

    And...Boston Legal? Rene, Bill Shatner and Armin Shimmerman (Quark of DS9) in a recurring role as a judge...not to mention tons of most excellent guest stars and semi-regulars like Shelley Berman.


    Watch a lot of sci-fi TV?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by IEScotsman View Post
    Watch a lot of sci-fi TV?

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