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  1. #31
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    On behalf of myself and good fellow Xmarkers I appologise for derailing a little from your initial query (we don't always do so)

    I hope your initial question has been answered.

    Please ask for advice whenever you need

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerryMacP View Post
    As you say, I suspect there's some cultural difference here, between us effete Brits and you straight-talkin' settlers. I was just reporting my own response when reading your initial words. I'm sure no offence was intended.

    But without wanting to flog this to death, I'd like to clarify my point about politeness. For me there's a world of difference between being rude about someone behind their back, and being rude to their face. Maybe it's hypocritical, but it's also the stuff that makes societies functional, and prevents web boards descending into flame wars. So if I'm talking about someone I despise who is not present, I will happily criticise and condemn in no uncertain terms with the best of them. But face to face I'd still feel it important to maintain a basic tone of civility and fairness in expressing to them my reservations about their business practice. My point here was that the person who you were talking about in language that might easily be taken, even if not meant, as insulting (who'd already said they felt hurt by earlier words) was in the room and taking part in the conversation.
    While I was not trying to flame anyone (really wasn't), I disagree. Anyone I say about anyone will be said to their face, and they have the opprotunity to rebut. now I agree that a fourm like this should be civil and respectful. There is one kiltmaker here (not a sponsor) that got an evil bashing from me in an e-mail once, that I never would have posted here (nor been allowed to).

    But as porrick has said, we've veered from the topic. I am done other than to say, "I'm sorry if anyone was offended, it was not my intent."


  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ckelly327 View Post
    I have the 8yd Balmoral from them and am very pleased with the workmanship. .
    Hmmm...So the story that kiltmakers will never, ever sell Balmoral tartan for use by anyone other than the royal family and its servants is a myth?

  4. #34
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    I'm with porrick. Good to ask the question and obviously there is a wealth of opinion here on this forum. Don't be scared off by the hot debate (it really isn't always like this). Hope you did get some valuable information.

    Oh and by the way, welcome to the forum.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
    Hmmm...So the story that kiltmakers will never, ever sell Balmoral tartan for use by anyone other than the royal family and its servants is a myth?
    Balmoral is the name of a kilt making company that provides the traditional items Kiltstore sells http://balmoralkilts.com/


  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by arrogcow View Post
    Balmoral is the name of a kilt making company that provides the traditional items Kiltstore sells http://balmoralkilts.com/

    In a word: "Doh"

  7. #37
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    Nick offers his customers a huge selection of tartans from well-known mills (e.g., Lochcarron, House of Edgar) and from lesser-known mills (e.g., Marton, N. Batley). The cloth comes in a range of prices depending on the mill. None of it is trash. I bought their 8-yard "Balmoral" in a 13-oz cloth by Batley. That is their low-price mill, and it's still a really nice piece of cloth. Some people want to know their cloth is from the best mill and are willing to pay. Others want a good quality product at a lower price. Nick caters to both. In order to do so, he has to start at a base price an adjust upwards as a customer builds the kilt. Other stores that have a fixed price do not offer the choices Nick does. Aside from the FEDEX issues, which are out of his control, I was satisfied with my price and service.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

  8. #38
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    I purchased an 8-yarder (made by Balmoral) from KiltStore in the Forde Irish tartan. The price, quality and service were all excellent! I got hit by the FedEx customs fee, but next time I'll utilize KiltStore's free surface mail shipping. Slower, but free is free...!

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    I purchased an 8-yarder (made by Balmoral) from KiltStore in the Forde Irish tartan. The price, quality and service were all excellent! I got hit by the FedEx customs fee, but next time I'll utilize KiltStore's free surface mail shipping. Slower, but free is free...!
    Just wondering, I assume it is only the fee for clearing through customs that you avoid - surely not the custom duty itself?!

    Or have I misunderstood completely?

    Glad you too are pleased with a top quality kilt

  10. #40
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    FEDEX is very "Efficient" at collecting customs duties because they charge a $25 fee for doing so. If I buy a $10 pair of wool socks it is subject to a $25 entry fee. Regular slow mail one still is subject to duties, but the collectin thereof is not as efficient and sometimes is not done. I think the pure volume of goods imported is such that the mail folks have to screen out the lower-duty items in favor of high-dollar returns.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

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