9th February 07, 09:30 AM
Pun Wars
for those out there that feel the urge to pun I offer now a feild of honor where puns may be thrown without fear of harming the innocent bystanders with a hurled screw ball turn of phrase.
for instance If you sue a parcley farmer can you garnish his wages.
Or one from Dread Belly: "Would a true Goth say "If it aint baroque, don't fix it?" "
9th February 07, 09:48 AM
Perhaps you should call it the Punnery.
9th February 07, 10:06 AM
There are no innocents.
No, a punisher is always met halfway by his subjects. It takes two to pun.
Now, I am off to hurl bon mots at unsuspecting passersby.
9th February 07, 10:38 AM
yes but the observers of gentlemanly combats know that to accidently shot a pun at an observer may draw the ire of one who prefers pratfall pranks and you could end up with a creampie and seltzer water in the eye.
for there is nothing punny about a clown scorn.
9th February 07, 10:51 AM
It is all fun and games till someone loses an ire.
And then it is keep away.
9th February 07, 01:49 PM
I could tell you a PUn, but it would only be 2/3 of one.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
9th February 07, 02:05 PM
A frog hopped into a bank and hopped up to the desk of Patty Mack, the bank's loan advisor.
The frog asked for a $5,000 loan. Not knowing exactly what to do, Patty Mack had the frog fill out a loan application. Reviewing the application, she noticed the frog listed Mick Jagger as his father.
Further confused, she asked the frog if he had any collateral, whereupon he produced a small, oddly shaped piece of what appeared to be green glass.
Finally she said that she would have to talk to the bank's president, and brought the oddly shaped "collateral" with her.
She told the president about the frog and his application, and said "All he's brought in for collateral is this green thing - I don't have a clue what it's supposed to be!"
After reviewing the loan application and looking at the piece of glass, the bank president said "It's a knick-knack Patty Mack. Give the frog the loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."
9th February 07, 03:27 PM
Wiping his face the polar bear replies "No, I just had some ice cream."
9th February 07, 03:38 PM
A priest, a minister, and a rabbi all walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them all and asks, "What is this, some kind of a joke?"
9th February 07, 03:42 PM
 Originally Posted by souzaphone711
A priest, a minister, and a rabbi all walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them all and asks, "What is this, some kind of a joke?"
Oh wait Brother, we made a mistake this is the pun threa not the punchline thread!
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