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  1. #11
    Join Date
    23rd April 06
    Centerville District, Fremont, California, USA, 3rd Rock
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    You learned to speak the language of the crochet hook-I can only dream of doing that. I can do many things but that evades me (along with the piano).

    I have the confidence that you can do it. Do we need an 'angry iconoclastic fashionista?' Damn straight the world needs that. I find it hard to get good clothes that fit and look good-I'm 50, only 5' 10" and 200lbs! My wife finds it hard to find clothes for an ample sized, 5' 8" tall woman! We need somebody that listens with his heart, rather than the "if I make it (no matter how cr@ppy it is) they will wear it" approach.

    Set time aside to study. Good lighting, large surface to write/spread notes around, refreshments handy. Don't study for long periods-get up and walk around every 40-50 minutes. Keep some highlighters handy. Make notes if that helps.

    If you put your mind and heart to it, you can do it!

    "There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
    Statement made by pink winged pony
    with crossed axes tattooed on her rump

  2. #12
    Join Date
    30th June 06
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    Hey little buddy, don't sweat it. Like the man said when asked "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time."
    Gentleman of Substance

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd October 04
    Page/Lake Powell, Arizona USA
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    Hey Dread, Big Mikey is right.

    One class at a time.

    I went back to school after I dried out and spent 9 years getting a master's degree. Just did it one assignment at a time, one class at a time.

    Biggest thing that worked for me was reading ahead in the textbook so I already knew a bit about whatever the professor was gonna lecture about each class and if I was confused I already knew it and could ask questions until I "got it."

    Also, minored in Clothing and Textiles as a kid in college. Know what you mean about all them terms. Don't tell your wife you'll probably be the only male in most of your classes...

    Go enjoy it, bring your ideas to fruit.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  4. #14
    Join Date
    13th December 06
    Bartlett, Tenn
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    Don't let yourself take on too much. Work is trying that crap wit me.Now that I am Commissioner for two boards for the State of Tennessee. It is getting pretty hard to do everything that everyone wants me to do. So I took a little time out to relax, and you got a sporran. Remember to take time for yourself and your wife. Life is way to freakin' short.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    If you need help, call me, Dread

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    While reading this thread, it occured that there are MORE than enough 'fashion' types in the industry already. The chances of breaking into (much less WANTING to belong to) that group are very small. A designer for the rest of the world could be in demand. My wife is in school right now and from what this "ignorant old hoof trimmer" (tm) can see most of the schooling is like putting tools in the toolbox. Many of them won't be used but knowing how to use them is essential. I find she is making LOTS of contacts in her field, which looks to be the REAL treasure.

    I hate jumping through someone else's hoops!

    Best of luck Dread. And keep on crocheting!


  7. #17
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
    Join Date
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    Today, I am going to go to the bank to drop in some money, finish up a hat on order, and I am going to try to finish up a study and take an exam.

    Or at least study. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... And the start of some two year degree thingamajobbie begins with cracking open a textbook full of stuff you don't understand and feeling baffled.

    When you no longer feel baffled, you are obviously done.

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