12th February 07, 01:05 PM
 Originally Posted by Bob C.
I'm not going to install Vista on any of the machines that I've got running XP, but I'll probably buy a new machine this year and I'm looking forward to the new OS.
Don't get me started about Macs. I'm typing on one right now because they force me to use it at work. They're crap. The Safari browser is a joke.
Try Camino or Firefox. Either that, or properly configure Safari, which is easier said than done.
Firefox is lovely.
12th February 07, 01:09 PM
I must continue w/ xp pro until all of the proprietary software I use catches up w/ changes. None of the software I use in my practice will work on a Mac. Oh well. O'Neille
12th February 07, 01:47 PM
 Originally Posted by Graham
I only went to XP a year or so ago, so i won't be rushing in, but I'm interested to know what xmarkers think.
I must confess that IE7 has lured me away from Firefox, nice browser.
I've been using it(beta version with Office 2007 also) on and off on a dual boot machine at home. I think most users will like it in the end. I've been to a few seminars about it also, The way it searchs for files is better, but other than that it will sell on its appearance to people that like shiny things(aeroglass). 1Gb ram is b*llshit, I'm running on a 2GB processor(AMD) and 768MB Ram and it's quite happy, you'll need a 128Mb video card if you want it to work though. Every new OS released has had higher requirements, Vista is simply matching what's readily available on currently available machines(that said my main PC at home is a few years old too, but it runs OK).
When I'm forced to by work I'll change over fulltime at home(I'm an IT teacher so its sort of important to me) . Till then its XP and Firefox.
12th February 07, 04:01 PM
12th February 07, 05:26 PM
 Originally Posted by Graham
I only went to XP a year or so ago, so i won't be rushing in, but I'm interested to know what xmarkers think.
I work in IT and have been using a Linux desktop for a few years now. Even at home, I use my Windows 2000 PC the least. It's main use is for games and for transferring music to my MiniDisc. It's staying Win2K for the foreseeable future.
Vista has little to commend it. Even Microsoft now this: their ads are all oriented around the "new! shiny!" effect. Meh. Give it a miss for this year at least. The hardware has to catch up, to say the least.
I must confess that IE7 has lured me away from Firefox, nice browser.
Might I suggest Opera?
12th February 07, 08:09 PM
 Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
What he said.
12th February 07, 08:19 PM
Just remember that M$ is simply providing what the pundits have been asking for. We are getting what the press has been pressuring them for. It is still my option not to upgrade.
As for Linux, it will never be a mainstream OS until folks like my Dad can have a successful chance of installing it. Mac OS, likewise, will never be mainstream until the can convince business that it offers what M$ offers.
My $.02.. YMMV and enough said for me on this topic. I have to work with this stuff and this board needs to be an escape for me!
"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon
12th February 07, 08:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Graham
I only went to XP a year or so ago, so i won't be rushing in, but I'm interested to know what xmarkers think.
I must confess that IE7 has lured me away from Firefox, nice browser.
Interesting. IE7 sent me scampering away from IE straight to Firefox. The idiotic hard-coded layout really irks me every time I use aieeee!
 Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
With Vista, it is DRM issues and M$ getting in to bed with the RIAA that is the problem. M$, along with the RIAA, will treat you as criminals with out you ever doing anything wrong. I do not need a computer being a tattletale or reporting my electronic activities to homeland security.
There is some bad voodoo going down and most people are completely blind to it.
Bill Gates himself has said that he won't be using Vista. I think he's regretting that his company is starting to become what it has been accused of being for so many years, now that he's handed over the reins.
Now I really must get up on my
As far as using a Macintosh-- I will cease using computers before I ever buy a Mac. I refuse to ever participate in Apple's corporate goosestep. Between Apple, Sun, and Oracle combining forces to buy that Justice Department suit in the 90's, and the attempts to force everyone who wants to enjoy digital music to use itunes and an ipod, I think we can see who needs the antitrust suit brought against them. (soap box mode off)
As far as Vista goes, unless quite a bit changes by the time they end all support for XP, I will be switching over to Linux.
12th February 07, 08:57 PM
I agree with you there about Apple's own DRM issues... I use a Mac for the open source stuff available to me. I don't buy new ones, but old ones.
Oh, and a glimpse of the future of the Mac.
Some of the features shown in that video are already available on the iPhone. Word has it that Apple will have laptops with VR screens by about 2009 or so. They already have the patents filed and the manufacturers are hard at work producing the new screens. The mouse as we know it is going to die very soon. I really love how when the guy starts a typing motion, a virtual keyboard flies up to meet his fingers. You can even see the new OSX dock in the film, remarkably similar to the current one, and many of the features available already on the iPhone, like the ability to pinch and pull virtual objects and window handles. Virtual clay will change animation and modeling as we know it.
It is going to take Windows about 20 or 30 years to catch up with all of this, and even then, it will be a poor imitation.
12th February 07, 09:59 PM
I don't get the problem anyone has with Apple and iTunes. There is no shortage of services or players to choose from. No one is forced to buy an iPod so maybe the iPod and iTunes just works well?
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