12th February 07, 07:47 PM
possingk ye be warned the House of Dread® is really a front for a press gang. 100 years before the mast on Cap'n Dreadbelly's pirate crew. Avast me mateys & Yo, ho ho and a bot'l o' rum.
12th February 07, 07:59 PM
I really don't know which house I'd belong to. I'm pretty casual, but I still like to look nice. I don't know if my pitiful chin fuzz is enough of a beard to get me into Dreadbelly House...
P.S. That stupid sorting hat stuck me in Gryffindor. Gryffindor! I really doubt that I'm Gryffindor material.
12th February 07, 09:06 PM
I really like the House of Freelander. Why one may ask, because I love the freedom expressed by wearing the Kilt, and I am of the land.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
12th February 07, 10:29 PM
I fit into the House of Dreadbelly. Hmmm... strange that. Oh well, I'll bring the rum!
12th February 07, 10:34 PM
Of those mentioned so far, I hope the Sorting Tam would put in Panache House. All kinds of creativity, but creativity nonetheless.
An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
(When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)
Kiltio Ergo Sum.
I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef
12th February 07, 11:01 PM
 Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
Well certainly there is a House of Dread! Students sorted into this house are known for their courage, hot headedness (although they recognize a need to slow their immediate reactions), shortness in stature coupled with height in hair, extreme creativity, and a need for alternative education methods. Some are also known for superhuman powers that include the ability to dissolve kilt materials with their own sweat!
Also known for their staunch support for the ideas they believe in and a go to hell attitude for those that do not agree with them. While this house can be a formidable opponent in large numbers, the qualifications for entrance keeps its membership small.
I fit in except for the hair. My hair is long and shaggy in the back, but almost nonexistent up top. I don't melt kilts, but I can rust stainless steel.
12th February 07, 11:07 PM
It is an ancient custom of X Marks the Scot. An aged tam, faded and battered, yet revered by the League of the Moderators is brought forth each year and set on a chair before the kilted newbies. This magical hat will direct these newcomers to that House which will provide guidance and precedent for the kilted education and adventures that lay ahead of them. They will approach the mysterious mystical tam. One by one they will nervously don it to hear their placement. Before this, the enchanted tam moves of it's own volition and sings a song. Each year the song is different. A hush falls over the kilted newbies as Colin flanked by an honor guard of the KiltedCodeWarrior and starbkjus brings forth the tattered yet strangely powerful hat. He sets it reverently on the chair and steps away. The lights dim and the hat begins it's song
Listen ye kilties and gather round
Those who are lost shall be found
Place this battered tam on thy brow
I will read those thoughts that you allow
And to a House of X Marks you’ll be sent
one that is a best fit for your temperament
For those that are of tastes refined
Of other’s opinions they never mind
For one with such wisdom, wit, and grace
In House Hamish you’ll find your place
Those among you who love to talk
Look for the sign of the Tartan Peacock
For they who value flair and flash
Will find home in House Panache
For those who love Military History
House Cajunscot is the place to be.
While those who love old Scotland
House Mike1 you’ll find just grand
If you love to make and tinker
House Alan H. welcomes a thinker
If horrible puns fill your head
Welcome to House Retro Red
In Whisky knowledge, if you’re worth your salt
You shall raise a dram at House Pour1Malt
If with music you fill your time of leisure
House Derek shall take your measure
Your ability to make things unreal?
You belong in House O’Neille
Perhaps you long for Desert Lands
I’ll put you House Riverkilt’s hands
Kilt Lore is for those of House Matt Newsome
Have your facts straight , they’ll bid you welcome
A Jolly Roger you wish to fly?
House DreadBelly bids you "Aye"
For those of you who don’t mind freezing
House Porrick will be most pleasing
If on occasion you wear green tights
On House Graham set your sights
If the French countryside appeals to you
To House Martin you will be true
If you are good chap, easy with to get along
In House Robin you’ll be strong
These Houses named are but a fraction
Of the ones you may follow in attire and action
Or you may create your own House unique
Decide for yourself what is right and chic
A House of your own style and wit
Wouldn’t that be a better fit?
with apologies to J.K. Rowling
Last edited by Panache; 14th February 07 at 10:35 AM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
12th February 07, 11:36 PM
Ok, I've joined the House of Dreadbelly. See my sig for proof!
Edit to add: I see Panache says we can join our own house, but I think that Dreadbely's house will be a good fit for me!
12th February 07, 11:39 PM
I'd be in the House of RiverKilt...gotta be outside..
12th February 07, 11:43 PM
Jeez, Panache, does this stuff just spill out spontaneously?! You should write this stuff down somewhere.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
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