15th February 07, 01:55 PM
 Originally Posted by mudd
When they were doing an ultra-sound of my daughter, suddenly this tiny hand shot up and moved back and forth as if it was waiving at us. Pretty cool, isn't it?
We had a similar experience with Nicholas except it was his face and it looked so real...wasn't real excited yet, but when I saw that I wept with joy.
Wait my friend, it just keeps getting better.
15th February 07, 02:21 PM
15th February 07, 02:41 PM
Congratulations! Hope all continues to go well.
Andy in Ithaca, NY
Exile from Northumberland
15th February 07, 02:52 PM
Looks an awfielot like Papa, no matter then gender.
Congratulations on the forthcoming little bundle of joy. There's nothing like it.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
15th February 07, 04:28 PM
Like others have said, there's nothing like parenthood. Congratulations, for you are blessed by one of the best joys of life.
--Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich
The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table
16th February 07, 12:56 AM
 Originally Posted by Mowgli
...for you are blessed by one of the best joys of life.
Thanks...I've waited 42 years for this!!
16th February 07, 12:59 AM
Congrats to you and your wife.
16th February 07, 06:47 AM
Many Congrats. My stepdaughter is having a little girl next month and I get to see all of the ultrasound pics. She seems to wave and shake her fist but she's still got to wait another 5-6 weeks. Enjoy this time now - it won't be too long before it's sleepless nights and endless diapers.
16th February 07, 06:54 AM
16th February 07, 07:03 AM
Regardless, a child is a blessing (sometimes you wonder), they truely are. May you be blessed and the child grow up wise counsel and guidence, step in the steps that you lay out before the young one. Bless you and yours.
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