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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnakeEyes View Post
    Some people figured that our anthem wasn't PC enough.The main thing they tried to change was "in all thy sons command", and for some reason "native land" was found offensive by some natives (huh?).
    Aha the "sexist language" bit - no "true patriot love" for daughters. "Native" doesn't apply to people who weren't born there really either.

    But it's a thumping good tune and I hope they play it at Buck House sometimes!

    Quote Originally Posted by AL-58 View Post
    It was simply the way the question was asked.

    if it was simply asked "should Australia become a republic?" it would have passed without a problem.

    Most of us have great respect for the Queen. That doesn't however mean that we want a British Queen or King as our head of state though. It's a figurehead position only and that figurehead might as well be Australian.

    I seem to recall that the wording or the proposed alternative way of how a Head of State could be arrived at didn't go down too well. But such a simple question as the above surely has its own problems as it only defines a principle, not when and how and whom.

    Both countries have Governor Generals who represent the Queen and they undertake all Constitutional stuff on her behalf. In the old days it was someone from Britain who was sent out to undertake that position but nowadays it is always a native of the country. The appointments are, I believe, made by the Queen in Council but advice is taken from the appropriate Governments etc.

    Coming back to the music bit, Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor, could play the bagpipes but more at Balmoral or Fort Belvedere rather than the Palace.

    The Queen has her own piper and you can read the interesting history about the post at http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page3332.asp .
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  2. #22
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    The Band are The Coldstream Guards. Just after That terrible day Sept. 11th. They played the American National Anthem. Quite beatifully. Really braught a tear to my eye. They showed English Firefighters weeping for the American Firefighters that lost thier lives in the line of Duty... { a moment of Silence...} God Blees All you Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers! We love you as much as our Servicemen. Thank you for your sacrifices as well.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by McClef View Post
    The Queen has her own piper and you can read the interesting history about the post at http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page3332.asp .
    Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, was attended to by her personal piper below her window, 3 mornings each week in her garden at Clarence House. Here is a link with some information. http://www.bagpipejourney.com/articl...r-pipers.shtml , I had at one time an official link from the royal website but can't find it. I am sure its been archived or even possibly removed by now though.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by McClef View Post
    But it's a thumping good tune and I hope they play it at Buck House sometimes! .
    I've been told that a O Canada is becoming quite popular as a drinking tune in Scotland, which I don't need to tell you makes me proud . I suppose it only makes sense, we sing Scottish and Irish songs over here at parties. Now if only I knew some Welsh music...

  5. #25
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    That music sounded fab.

  6. #26
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    What that the Star Wars music?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnakeEyes View Post
    I've been told that a O Canada is becoming quite popular as a drinking tune in Scotland, which I don't need to tell you makes me proud . I suppose it only makes sense, we sing Scottish and Irish songs over here at parties. Now if only I knew some Welsh music...
    I regret that I didn't hear it over the past five days although I did encounter (and had to pose with coz I was in a kilt) some Canadians

    There are, of course, some excellent Welsh tunes such as Men of Harlech, All through the night (Ar Hyd y Nos), Calon Lan, Myfanwy, Gwahoddiad and the Welsh Anthem Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers). Many Hymn tunes also such as Cwm Rhondda which is normally sung to Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah.

    You don't need to know the Welsh words to enjoy the music
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnakeEyes View Post
    I've been told that a O Canada is becoming quite popular as a drinking tune in Scotland, which I don't need to tell you makes me proud . I suppose it only makes sense, we sing Scottish and Irish songs over here at parties. Now if only I knew some Welsh music...
    Please any Scots out there send me the latest rendition of O' Canada so that I can keep up with all the the latest changes. I believe those written above are the old lyrics. Didn't the pc crowd change the lyrics from:
    True patriot love in all thy sons command.
    True patriot love in all thy souls command.

  9. #29
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    Here are the official lyrics to O Canada

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