16th February 07, 07:06 AM
opps, no coffee this morning....... should read "with" wise cousel and "great" guidence, one would think I've already tipped into the Drambuie.
16th February 07, 07:28 AM
That picture is awesome, good luck to you both
16th February 07, 07:43 AM
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
16th February 07, 09:28 AM
That's great. Ultrasound was rare when we had ours. Children are a joy and a blessing. Best to you and your wife.
16th February 07, 01:25 PM
Congratulations on the good news of health! That first ultrasound picture is wonderful...although I have NO IDEA what I'm looking at in the second.
16th February 07, 01:33 PM
If you look to the left, you'll see the eyes, kinda look a bit different at that age, but you can make out a baby's face and skull if you try. You'll see two eyes then over to the right, you'll see a ribcage and I think between the two and up a bit you can see what may be a shoulder and an upper arm I think.
Well daddy how'd I do? It's been awhile since I've seen one.
16th February 07, 02:15 PM
 Originally Posted by IEScotsman
Congratulations...I have NO IDEA what I'm looking at in the second. 
Thanks, IEScotsman...have another look; there almost seems to be a "one finger salute" in the second pic (left hand just above the baby's head).
 Originally Posted by RK-REX
Well daddy how'd I do? It's been awhile since I've seen one.
Thanks, RK-REX...see my reply to IEScotsman.
16th February 07, 08:14 PM
"Hey you, get outta my womb!!"
Get outta my womb, get outta my womb, get outta my WOOOOOMB!
Sorry - maybe there aren't any Cheech and Chong fans here?
16th February 07, 08:38 PM
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