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1st February 07
Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
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Between these photos and your accompanying explanations, I now know what went wrong with my first and I'm ready to start on my second jacket conversion, a grey one for day use (not tweed, but I'm still looking).
I got my yet unworn jacket(blazer) out and looked it over, folded the low end up and hey !, that'll work. The Mom told me there's a tailor not too far from her house that's reasonable, printed these fine pics and such for instructions and Wednesday it goes in.
Saw this today and it inspired me to try the same. I only hope mine turns out half as good as David's. I've looked over all of your jackets and they are wonderful. So here's what I'm starting with: http://cm.ebay.com/cm/ck/1065-29392-...m=250084340507
I have only purchased it today...hopefully I can get started next week with finding a tailor. Can anyone recommend a tailor in the Northwestern NJ area?