21st February 07, 09:54 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
There have been so many interesting and different threads posted lately that I thought this might be a good one. Come with me and I'll show you some of what I do at work to help pay for the addiction.
I run a boiler at our plant where we make engineered lumber. I am also responsible for a number of devices that collect waste and filter emissions. This thing is an electrostatic precipitator. It takes particles out of exhaust gases and vents steam to atmosphere.

Sorry about the dark. The pics were taken at 2:00 AM.
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 09:56 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
The big white thing is a baghouse that collects wood dust from around the plant. Think giant vacuum!
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 09:59 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
This is the boiler house. In winter it's a great place to be, nice and warm. In summer, it's a b@#$h! It can get upwards of 50 degrees C!
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 10:01 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
My "office" in the boiler room.
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 10:02 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
Here's me humping a dryer while a teammate is on lunch break.
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 10:03 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
This is my work ride, a 2002 Hyster propane powered forklift.
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 10:07 AM
How I Pay For Kilts
Here's a load of veneer off to become a piece of Parallam.

Well, that's it. Thanks for coming along and I look forward to learning more about my friends on the greatest forum on the web!
Gentleman of Substance
21st February 07, 11:10 AM
Another great thread!
Very interesting group of pictures, BM. Thansk for sharing!
21st February 07, 11:26 AM
That's coll stuff. Boilers have always facinated me, especially since I had a summer job as a boiler maker helper in college.
I'd show you my work place, but a white board, an overhead projector, and a book shelf might bore everyone to tears.
Thanks for the demonstration of your method for supporting your habit.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
21st February 07, 11:52 AM
Great shots BM
I would love to show you all some pics of my work, however there is a strict policy of no cameras at work. On the up side I can wear a kilt anytime I want.
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