23rd February 07, 09:13 AM
 Originally Posted by Derek
...So how did they, in 2000BC, know that Bluestone was there, dig it out and carve it into blocks, then transport 80 stones each weighing 4 tons each, 240 miles from West Wales to here, Stongehenge. Plus, why did it have to be Bluestone and not like the rest of the stone that makes up most of Stongehenge...
There's a very simple answer.
It only took one man
One man with a vision
a man with a dream
a man with plan
a man who had a bunch of overseers with whips and spears
Hey, it worked for the Egyptians!
Last edited by Panache; 24th February 07 at 05:51 PM.
Reason: Typo
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
23rd February 07, 09:16 AM
They Fed Ex'd them to the site...
...of course, they had to pay the customs and special handling fees...
23rd February 07, 09:36 AM
I should think it's all really quite obvious - you just bring the blue stone seeds with you in your sporran - plant them, water them, and ta daaaaah - a Henge is born.
23rd February 07, 09:37 AM
I think we tend to over analyze stuff like this. We assume that ancient man was a complete morron running around poking himself in the eye with a stick.
With enough time, food, and determination I believe ancient cultures could do just about anything. We get these archaeologists who have $x.xx and 1 month to replicate an ancient work and then draw correlations between their scaled effort to the past.
we know they knew about "simple machines" so truthfully with that knowledge they could have done just about anything.
I don't think they had any special machine or super natural ability or assistance. I think they were simply motivated to solve a challenge to produce the desired end result.
To me the most amazing thing is that they were able to organize the labor force and keep it focused long enough to do it. Was it slave labor, was it a community project,...
23rd February 07, 09:49 AM
It was Godzilla battling Mothra (duh). He tossed 'em at Mothra - and that's how the ones that missed landed!
23rd February 07, 10:04 AM
I happen to know that it was the Olympics.
Wales got chosen to host the 350 bce Olympic games, and you all know how a place will literally bankrupt itself to prepare for it. Those tall sones on top of other stones, those are where you throw those sheaves over. And all those circles are for tossing the stone.
That is why there are also all those other similar places nearby. It's an Olympic village.
We celebrate those Welsh Olympics again every year with Highland Games all over the world, but this was the first.
The next olympics were held in S. America, You know the place. It's the one with all the straight lines so the judges would know when the caber fell in-line.
After a while the true spirit of the Olympics was lost and had to be held down in Greece,(Ice age and all that). The Celts couldn't go,(they were protesting the Greek guys stealing their national dress) so all that was left of the games was running around tracks and silly stuff like that.
AAHH the Celtic Olympics I remember them fondly. Now that was a Spectacle and Pageantry.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
23rd February 07, 10:14 AM
 Originally Posted by pdcorlis
I should think it's all really quite obvious - you just bring the blue stone seeds with you in your sporran - plant them, water them, and ta daaaaah - a Henge is born.
And this was so that, 2000 years later, Dreamworks SKG could make a movie called "Over The Henge" to delight kids and grownups alike.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
23rd February 07, 10:39 AM
hmm...after much thought, I have come to the conclusion that this was actually the result of an early Scottish games! The althetes were doing the weight tosses, and inadvertantly created stonehenge! once they finished the games, they realised they had built quite a great little place to share a dram or two with other athletes, so they left it standing!
23rd February 07, 11:03 AM
 Originally Posted by turpin
And this was so that, 2000 years later, Dreamworks SKG could make a movie called "Over The Henge" to delight kids and grownups alike.
Ah, so it's like the moon landing - Stonehenge is REALLY just a movie set on a sound stage somewhere! Now THAT makes sense!
23rd February 07, 11:26 AM
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